
In a disturbing incident of road rage in Mumbai, a man allegedly slapped and assaulted an Ola driver in the Ghatkopar area. A video of the incident, which reportedly occurred on August 18, surfaced online today, August 30. The incident caught on camera shows a man and his wife getting down from their Audi Q3 in Ghatkopar after an Ola driver brushed their luxury vehicle.

As the video moves further, the man is seen slapping the Ola driver and then lifting the victim and smashing him on the ground as other onlookers watch. In the end, the video shows the Ola drier lying unconscious on the ground as the man and his wife sit in their car and flee from the scene. After the incident came to light, the police have booked the couple.

Mumbai Road Rage VIDEO: Man slaps driver & him to ground after cab brushes his Q3 in ghatkopar. Police have registered case against Husband and wife. — Chaudhary Parvez (@ChaudharyParvez).

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