A woman has shared on social media that she uncovered a live dung beetle in 1kg bag of Bokomo Chocolate ProNutro. She took to TikTok to share more details. In the video, the woman claims to have found a ‘brown lump’ in the bag after she had poured it into a bowl.
‘Lump’ turned out to be a dung beetle After scooping the lump out of the bowl and continued with her other tasks. She then claims that upon returning to the bowl, the lump ‘had disappeared’ and she began looking for it. Upon closer inspection, the ‘lump’ turned out to be a beetle.
She proceeded to put the beetle into a zip lock bag. A pediatrician advised that her son be brought in for a check-up. Her son was checked for E.
coli and had to be dewormed on a high dosage as the dung beetle had been living in the cereal since mid-August 2024. Replacement voucher According to the woman, she called Bokomo once again and an operator asked her if she had received her replacement voucher. She stated that she was not interested in the voucher and would prefer to know the outcome of the alleged forensic tests performed and what they intended to do about the rest of the batch which was likely affected and contaminated.
Following the phone call, she received an email from PepsiCo Pioneer Foods, enquiring if she’d received the replacement voucher and further informing her that they’d ‘get back to her’ regarding her other query. In response, the woman took to TikTok to share her story and concluded her post .