
Latwell Nyangu A Harare man is at the centre of a storm for allegedly failing to cater for a child whose 21-year-old mother died moments after giving birth. The alleged father, Chancellor Chidziva has reportedly not been forthcoming to help the child he had with the late Lisa Saidi. Chancellor Chidziva The incident has left, the Saidi family with no option but seek help from well-wishers to help look after the child since her grandmother is physically challenged.

It is claimed Chidziva has been approached several times but has been giving empty promises. After impregnating Lisa, Chidziva reportedly left her suffering despite the effort by the family to engage him. He promised to take care of Lisa prior to her death but to no avail.

Lisa was buried on July 6. H-Metro tried to engage Chidziva, who acknowledged receipt of the initial WhatsApp conversation but ignore subsequent messages and phone calls. However, the late Lisa’s family is not happy and now turning to well-wishers for help so that they fend for the child, who is now close to two months old.

“Lisa went to Harare from Kadoma where she was doing a course on beauty therapy. “She then met Chidziva, they started dating and she got pregnant. “Chidziva didn’t deny responsibility and advised her that she couldn’t join him at his home since he was married.

“Lisa then went back home to Kadoma and advised her relatives, her aunts and sisters to tell her father about the situation. “They teamed up and visited Chidziva who told them that he couldn’t accommodate her at his house since he is married,” said her uncle Cassim Saidi. “He even came to meet with us and we have been to his workplace and he told us to leave Lisa, who he called his wife, promising to find her alternative accommodation.

“He then said, he would take her to his cousin’s relative and we left her under his welfare. “When relatives went back, he took Lisa to a lodge where he booked for some days but he would only visit her here and there. “We were told he would, at times, visit holding buns and a soft drink.

“He did this for almost two weeks until he failed to pay. Lisa was then chased away from the lodge and her clothes were taken for not paying.” After she was chased away, she was later found unconscious in Whitecliff area.

“She was later found by Kombi driver lying in Whitecliff. He then took her to Parirenyatwa Hospital. “While at Pari, they searched her phone and called her mother who came to take her.

“The hospital bill was pegged at US$300 and up to now it has not been paid.” Around July, Lisa was brought back to Pari for labour. “Soo after giving birth, she called Chidziva telling him she had given birth contrary to what he had declared.

However, moments later the nurses closed curtains and told visitors to leave the room. “They later announced that she had died. Chidziva was called again and he promised to attend to the situation but he never did.

“The funeral went on for five days, but there was no effort from the man. “He was engaged several times, but he showed no interest. “The child is surviving from handouts and hence the decision to publicly seek help” A close relative, who also tried to assist, reiterated that Chidziva had not been forthcoming at all since the funeral.

“The child is in Kadoma, there is no assistance which has come from the man, no assistance nor anything,” he said. The uncle further said Lisa’s mother is disabled and does not have capacity to fend for the child. “Lisa was buried by the church members, who took care of the funeral.

“The church helped and the family tried to engage Chidziva during the funeral, he would only promise, until her father came to Harare from South Africa. “The family teamed up and visited him at his workplace. We even met his director and PA who called him over the issue.

“He told them that he would talk to the relatives but nothing tangible came out. “Until then, he was no longer answering calls from the Saidi family. “The child is surviving from handouts; no one can take care of the child.

Kubasa kwacho vakati vachabatsira but no help and soon we will be going to the police. “Mwana ari kudawo help, we are appealing to the well-wishers to help the child survive.” Another relative said the post-mortem showed that Lisa died of blood pressure.

“I think, it was pressure from what she went through and all the problems she faced when she was pregnant. It’s now over a month now, muridzi wemwana kana kubudikira kurufu, even kutenga kana pamper one haro. “We are kindly appealing to well-wishers to donate anything towards this little child.


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