A supermarket has been found to be selling a key grocery item for 18 per cent more than its competitors in a price comparison of basic goods. The Manchester Evening News has been tracking the prices of the same eight items at the six main supermarkets since March 2022, including Aldi , Lidl , Asda , Tesco , Morrisons and Sainsbury's . For the past six weeks in a row, Asda has emerged as the most expensive of them all, solidifying that position last week with a 13 per cent price increase on its chicken breasts and an overall bill of £12.
78. It maintains that position this week, with the price still standing at £2.65 for the 300g pack, which is 18 per cent more than almost every other supermarket is charging.
At Aldi, Lidl and Tesco the price is £2.25, while Sainsbury's 320g pack works out the same per gram. Morrisons is pricier, costing £2.
65 for 330g, which equates to £2.41 for the 300g, but it's still 24p less than Asda, reports the Manchester Evening News . Aldi remains the cheapest this week, with a bill of £12.
02 for the basket, which, besides the chicken, includes bread, milk, butter, tea bags, coffee, beans and mince. Morrisons is the second cheapest at £12.11, followed by Sainsbury's - which has dropped the price of its coffee by a penny - at £12.
40 and Tesco at £12.43. Despite being ranked as the cheapest, Aldi has long disputed the comparison findings, arguing that they do not consider like-for-like products or 'the higher quality' of its products.
The super.