
Some movies are so universally loved that it's quite controversial to dislike them, no matter how valid your criticisms may be. So when Reddit user u/777Twix asked people, "what’s a movie that you hate that everyone seems to love," we couldn't help but share some of the best responses. 1.

Love, Actually "Everyone but Emma Thompson is a terrible person in it but it doesn’t seem to be intended that way." u/Alt4Norm 2. Oppenheimer "It had some great moments but also some really bad moments.

The character writing just felt so stale and immature to me but it had some good spectacle and the soundtrack was great, pretty typical for Nolan honestly." u/OneHundredSeagulls 3. The Notebook "Both of the main characters are intolerable.

I didn't root for them at all." u/TenuousClosure "Seriously dislike the characters, especially the woman. Can't make up her mind at all.

I didn't find it even an ounce romantic." u/unhealthylonghoursof 4. Titanic "Far too long and uninteresting for a movie you know the end of before the beginning.

With a few exceptions, like Kathy Bates' character, the acting was boring and subpar." u/Justin-Tym "Cartoonishly underwritten characters, a disrespectful emphasis on spectacle and excitement, and historical distortions so offensive that the vice-president of 20th Century Fox himself would later apologise, in person, to descendants of the ship's crew." u/OminOus_PancakeS 5.

The Godfather "Everyone raves about it, but I've never once managed to stay awake for more than 15 minutes." u/ArtificialMediocrity 6. Everything Everywhere All at Once "I went to the movies to see it.

Had to get up and vomit at one point. All the fast movements made me disoriented. I couldn't wait for it to end.

" u/Cultural-Table1586 7. Bridesmaids "Dumb and unfunny." u/OrphanGold 8.

Napoleon Dynamite "It’s just such an inept film. It has so many pointless scenes (the Time Machine, that stuff with the farmers), plot developments that happen because the plot requires them to (Hailey Duff’s mom telling her that she has to go to the dance with Napoleon, the audience cheering for Napoleon’s horrible dance), and the few jokes that it has completely fall flat (the only good joke in that movie is when Pedro’s cousins threaten the bully; one particularly horrible joke that I can’t seem to forget was the farmer who didn’t know what chicken talons were). I respect that it was an independent comedy that envisioned a particular quirky world and wanted to live in it.

I respect that the film itself looked competently made (good production value, cinematography was perfectly respectable). The actors all did a pretty good job of playing their one-dimensional characters (Jon Heder especially went all-in on playing Napoleon). My issues with this film were really just with the writing, which was so.

.. so.

.. bad.

" u/Maleficent-Age6018 9. Barbie "It was awful. As a woman, I was embarrassed watching it.

" u/Cultural-Table1586 "It couldn't decide whether it wanted to be satire or sincerely emotional and the result of that mismatch came off mean-spirited and cruel. It started strong with the fun effects & references to obscure actual dolls but I felt like I was lured in by this & forced to listen to an angry rant/essay instead of a movie." u/RafflesiaArnoldii 10.

Grease "Truth, it is unwatchable." u/MNRunman 11. The Big Lebowski "Probably the top comedy that I actually hate! A guy I worked with thought it was the best movie ever made! So he gave me the DVD, yes it was like 20 years ago but.


. I actually watched the whole thing to be able to give a full opinion to him. I walked into work and handed him the DVD and said, "don't ever suggest another movie, you suck.

" He laughed, but I was serious." u/Olhenry "A comedy with no jokes, just people being mean to each other." u/Wise_Serve_5846 12.

Pretty Woman "Prostitute meets 'the right guy' and he turns her into a princess. Nothing charming about romanticising prostitution." u/ZapatillaLoca 13.

The Princess Bride "Yeah, I said it." u/Ta-veren- "Such bad acting. It's like they winged it.

The book is incredible though." u/BigPappalopalous 14. E.

T. the Extra-Terrestrial "I hate his dumb weird face and the kids, the soldiers, and the parents. I absolutely despise everything about it.

" u/catsareniceDEATH 15. Pulp Fiction "To me it seems like everyone pretends they like the movie because it’s cool to like it." u/AlfaBundy 16.

Fight Club "It's not really that innovative. I don't want to talk about it." u/OppositeSolution642 "Its twist wasn't great and the ending destroyed the actual point of the original book.

Also, every idiot that watched it missed the point, and started doing their own little idiot fight clubs." u/Default_Munchkin 17. Star Wars "This is the biggest one for me.

I was all hyped to finally go on a binge to watch all episodes. It’s sooo long and boring." u/AlfaBundy "It took me years to mention out loud how much I disliked that movie and the series that followed.

I thought something was wrong with me. I am a little envious of how excited people get about it, but years ago, I came to the conclusion that I do not like sci-fi." u/KAYBEE60 18.

Deadpool "I haven't seen 3 yet, but 1 and 2. To me after seeing the movie Waiting . It's just Ryan Reynolds.

It doesn't feel like Deadpool to me, it just feels like Ryan Reynolds, as this is kinda his character he plays in 80% of his films." u/TootBeerFloats 19. La La Land "Watched it twice and fell asleep not even halfway through both times.

Its now my go-to 'puts me to sleep' movie!" u/Weekly-Cake2436 20. Inception "I mean the idea is cool and everything but the plot just doesn’t interest me at all. And the worst thing about me not liking it is that people don’t get how I dislike it and so they give me the classic 'you just don’t understand it.

'" u/inTheSuburbanWar 21. Avatar "I don't care about the plight of the blue people. I couldn’t get invested in the characters.

It's all CG and it damn well looks it. Most expensive pile of boring garbage ever made." u/PresidentPopcorn 22.

Hocus Pocus "I have never got the hype. Even as a child, i thought it was a weird movie that did nothing for me except make me uncomfortable. I don’t think any of the acting is great and Bette Midler just creeps me out.

" Nioetunes 23. The Lord of the Rings "The acting and directing is so painfully cringe, the writing is boring and predictable, the battle scenes just feel like actors with costumes rather than actual people fighting for their lives, it never felt like there were any stakes at all, and it didn't feel like a real world with real people either." LevitatingWunk 24.

Parasite "Yeah , I know the purpose was, yada yada, but most the rich people did in the movie was: 1. Care about their child. 2.

Be dumb. The poor family were more villianish in the movie in my opinion. And the ending was just brainless bloodshed I didn't ride with.

I wasn't a fan of the performances, too." SnooAdvice1157 Do you agree with these? Let us know in the comments below, and don't forget to share the beloved movies that you can't stand! Submissions have been edited for length/clarity.

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