
Nestled behind a sea of mangroves is a gate that leads into the Tuna Bay Resort, an idyllic getaway that captures the essence of luxury and natural beauty. Before it officially began operating in 2021, the resort started out as a simple jetty and a single building 10 years ago. It has grown over the years and has included amenities such as a pool, a restaurant, an indoor Aircon Bar, a larger Beer Garden with its own bar and a Mini Beer Garden beside the pools, where guests have a variety of options to choose from whilst enjoying the panoramic views of the surroundings.

The pool is open for anyone, and guest who want to use the pool, can pay and enjoy the service with unlimited access for the whole day. It also has installed color changing pool lights that light up the pool during the night so be sure not to miss out on this beauty. The Aircon Bar has three pool tables, TV sets and an assorting of drinks for everyone to enjoy.

The restaurant which is adjacent to the Aircon Bar is quite quaint and serves up delicious cuisines that is sure to leave you satisfied. They are open Monday- Thursday and Sunday from 8 AM – 9 PM. On Friday and Saturday, they only open from 8 AM- 12 PM.

They say, a picture is worth a thousand words and that is an exemplary detail that graces the walls of both the restaurant and the Aircon Bar. Framed photographs of PNG’s history stand proudly on display for guests to catch a glimpse of a time in history while enjoying a delicious meal. At the jetty, .

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