
light /lng/-more-inbounds-than-we-can-shake-a-stick-at-woodside-evaluating-partners-for-latest-lng-project/2-1-1700245 false "" global-article 2-1-1700245 ‘More inbounds than we can shake a stick at’: Woodside evaluating partners for latest LNG project text-first news published Driftwood ‘dream team’ could include player with connection to US upstream shale gas world 2024-08-29T01:03:53Z picture https://images-global.nhst.tech/image/NEZ4VVRXWnlkODZNczhmeVVwNUpaWW8vdGZOVVVzcFNBQmt4bzBXbjN2Yz0=/nhst/binary/f0826dab48c62aa46b65ca95fb9c464a Woodside Energy chief executive, Meg O'Neill.

Photo: WOODSIDE ENERGY text Australia’s Woodside Energy is in talks with a myriad of potential partners to come onboard the Driftwood LNG project in the US, which it is aiming to have phase one FID-ready by the first quarter of 2025 after acquiring current operator Tellurian in a US$1.2 billion deal. “We've had more inbounds than we can shake a stick at.

So, we've got the luxury of being able to really pick the partners we want to work with and our intention, as we progress towards an investment decision there, is we want to have line of sight to the partnership that we want,” Woodside chief executive, Meg O’Neill, said during Tuesday’s first half 2024 analysts call. “We may not have everything signed, sealed and delivered, but we do want to have line of sight to the partnership. If we didn't have anybody interested.

.. it would not be our intention to go forward at 100% with nobody queued up.


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