
Upcoming drama “Cinderella at 2 AM” has unveiled a glimpse of Moon Sang Min ’s character! “Cinderella at 2 AM” is a romantic comedy starring Shin Hyun Been as Ha Yoon Seo, a woman who doesn’t believe in fairy tale endings, and Moon Sang Min as Seo Joo Won, the chaebol heir who tries to change her mind. Moon Sang Min stars as Joo Won, a chaebol with perfect looks and a kind heart. Known for his diverse roles and strong filmography, Moon Sang Min will charm audiences with his deep affection for the woman he loves, showing a lovable and endearing side that is sure to win hearts.

The newly released stills show Moon Sang Min perfectly capturing Joo Won, the epitome of perfection. From his irresistible charm that could melt the hardest hearts to his impeccable high-end suit that showcases his strong physique, his loving gaze directed only at Yoon Seo builds excitement for the unstoppable romance he is about to deliver. “Cinderella at 2 AM” premieres on August 24 at 9 p.

m. KST and will be available to watch on Viki. Check out a teaser for the drama with English subtitles below! Watch Now Source ( 1 ).

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