
When choosing goods or services, people always strive to find the best when there are many options, but the choice is not obvious. The consumer tries to filter out a lot of offers and make the right choice, relying on quality. On Mino.

tj you can read reviews of a particular service and express your opinion. "The platform Mino.tj was created to provide residents with the opportunity to rate establishments by leaving text reviews, and to make these reviews accessible and widely used.

We are convinced that in this way reviews will guarantee transparency in the provision of services, which, in turn, will contribute to improving quality and help consumers make the right choice," said the co-founder of Mino.tj Komron Giesiev. "I am pleased to note that over the past 7 years, after our Mayor Rustami Emomali took office, the pace and growth of the comprehensive development of the city of Dushanbe have changed dramatically.

The dynamic development of the capital with an ever-growing number of new establishments attracts numerous offers of services for every spectrum of the local economy. Considering this trend, we positioned Mino.tj as a means of promoting competition and awakening a high sense of responsibility of institutions for providing quality services," - added Giesiev.

On the site you can find establishments and companies that offer local services. All industries and service names are sorted into categories and tags, which facilitates fast and accurate search. The user can simply write his query in the line of the internal search engine of the site and perform a search, or use navigation by going through categories and clicking the buttons of the finished text.

Along with a list of search results, all locations will be shown on an interactive city map. In addition, a filtering function is offered based on the characteristics of the establishments. For example, you can find kindergartens with a child delivery service, restaurants with a terrace, shops that offer installment purchases, laboratories with a nurse's home visit service, etc.

It is also possible to filter by landmarks. From the ready-made list, you only need to select a landmark and apply it. If you are looking for pastry shops in the 82nd microdistrict, then in the list of results of all pastry shops in the city, you can filter the result by landmarks by selecting this microdistrict.

On the pages of establishments, you can find contacts, working hours, features, photos and reviews left by users, the address and pin of locations on the map, with which you can set a route and move along the navigator. For the owners of establishments, functions are offered to manage their page on the site. They can add their own establishment by filling in basic information through a very simple and user-friendly interface, or apply for control of their company's existing page on the website, if it has not yet been confirmed.

After approval by the moderators, the owner will have access to the functions of the business account, with which he will be able to respond to customer reviews, change basic information about the company, such as address, phone, working hours, get traffic and click analytics on his page, add a photo, send a private message, grant access to a manager or employee. In addition, the owners of catering establishments can add their own menu, shops – their products, service industries – the names of the services offered with a price list. All added information from the owner's side will be shown to users in a beautiful and user-friendly interface on the institution's page Mino.

tj. More detailed information can be found by clicking on the link . "With the support of the initiatives of the Leader of the Nation, President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon, aimed at the development of the tourism industry and the rapid digitalization of various sectors of the economy, which laid the legal foundations for the use of information technology, we have dynamically developed the platform so that it contributes to meeting domestic demand in the market.

So, taking into account the needs of our foreign guests, we provided the opportunity to use the platform in three languages: Tajik, Russian and English. Also, the names of all state institutions are implemented with translations into the specified languages, which allows foreign guests to easily search and find the pages of the necessary institutions. Another example.

In order to strengthen the tourist infrastructure, for better and more convenient navigation of tourists, using the site you can quickly find establishments and services of tourist importance, such as restaurants of national cuisine, souvenir shops, cultural and historical attractions, etc. In addition, many tourists use international bank cards such as Visa, MasterCard, UnionPay to receive cash, but not all ATMs inside the city accept, for example, MasterCard. Therefore, on the platform we have implemented the function of searching and filtering ATMs by the types of bank cards they accept.

A tourist can set a search for ATMs, apply the card type as a filter and find those ATMs that accept specific cards," - explained Komron Giesiev. From the first days of development, the platform Mino.tj was completely focused on the consumer and on the specific requirements of the local market.

"We did not seek to offer the market a completely new innovative one, but focused on analyzing the demand of the local market, studying consumer behavior in order to meet these needs through more innovative approaches. For example, in Mino.tj you can find home baking services with delivery, filter fitness clubs by the presence of a separate women's room, establishments that have an oshi nahor service, or find a list of all charging stations for electric vehicles in the city on the map.

The word "mino" means "glass", "lighthouse". We hope that our platform will contribute to improving the quality of services by providing reviews as transparent as glass, and, like a lighthouse, will become a guide for users in finding the best local services. The ever-growing number of our users gives us hope that we are on the right track.

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