Poinsettias - the world's festive favourite plant - can be a complex houseguest over Christmas with their need for careful handling. Especially when there's not much light, and the central heating cranked up. Gardening guru and director at Easy Garden Irrigation , Sean Lade, said: "Poinsettias are very common around Christmas with their dark green leaves and large strikingly red bracts (leaves around the flowers).
"Nothing gets you more into the Christmas mood than a poinsettia, at least in the plant world ." Yet despite their beauty, Mr Lade notes that these crimson beauties can be quite the divas. He adds: "As lovely as they are, poinsettias are challenging to keep.
They are susceptible to fluctuations in temperature and will quickly start to wilt if kept too cold or in a draught." He offers important advice for prospective buyers advising to pick those kept snug indoors. "When buying one, you should look for those stored indoors, as when displayed outdoors below 13C, they are likely on their way out before they can get back home.
" A brisk journey from shopfront to car could spell disaster for these delicate blooms if it's chilly outside, reports the Express . Once safely place at home, it's crucial to keep them away from draughty areas and too close to heat sources. The expert reinforced his care tips: "Water once the top of the soil feels dry, but don't let it fully dry out, they also like plenty of bright daylight.
" If your poinsettia makes it beyond the festive period, .