
In honor of the upcoming Armenian Vardavar festival, happening July 7, Disney Jr.'s "Mickey Mouse Funhouse" celebrates the holiday with an episode entitled "Vardavar!" now streaming on Disney+. Vardavar is a beloved Armenian summer holiday, where people of all ages drench each other in water.

The festival celebrates Astghik, the goddess of water, beauty and love. During the festival, Armenians offer her roses, hence the name "Vardavar," where "vard" means "rose" and "var" means "to burn." In the episode, Mickey and his friends are invited to enjoy Vardavar, when Astghik pays them a visit, and a splash.

Throughout the episode, elements of Armenian culture such as language, food and fashion are highlighted. Visit to watch the music video for "It's Vardavar." "Mickey Mouse Funhouse" is streaming now on Disney+.

The Walt Disney Company is the parent company of Disney+ and this ABC station..

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