
Ever wondered if Mercury retrograde is to blame for your communication mixups or tech hiccups? You’re not alone. As this celestial event, where Mercury appears to spin backward in the night sky, makes headlines again from Aug. 5 to Aug.

27, 2024, it sparks both curiosity and skepticism. While astronomers view it as a cosmic illusion, many believe it influences our lives in significant ways. Sarah Rugheimer, a professor in astrophysics and an astrobiologist at York University, clears up the cosmic confusion.

“Mercury in retrograde just means that Mercury appears to reverse direction in the night sky and travel backwards,” she explains. “Planets generally move west to east across the sky, but they sometimes seem to do a loop backward for a short period.” Rugheimer says in the past, this odd behaviour was tough to explain because people thought Earth was the centre of the universe.

“Once we realized that we orbit the sun, the cause of this illusion became clear,” she says. Mercury goes retrograde about three to four times a year — April 1 to April 24, Aug. 5 to Aug.

27, and Nov. 25 to Dec. 15 — with each period lasting around three weeks.

“It happens so often because Mercury’s orbit around the sun is only 88 days, so it ‘laps’ us frequently,” Rugheimer adds. She advises those interested in spotting Mercury to check its position against other stars using an app like . “Remember, Mercury is visible only in the early evening or early morning, so timing is everything,” she notes.

In astrology, Mercury is often associated with communication, and many believe that its retrograde motion can disrupt our lives. Astrologer Sara Elise describes Mercury retrograde as a time for reflection and reassessment. “It’s a period to slow down and take stock of where we’ve been and where we are going,” she says.

She notes that Mercury retrograde is often blamed for technology and communication issues. “Many people notice problems with their devices and misunderstandings in communication during this time,” Elise explains. “Clients might email me wondering why we aren’t meeting, even though there’s no record of our session.

” While Rugheimer emphasizes the lack of scientific evidence for these effects, she acknowledges the perception many have. “While some people think Mercury retrograde causes chaos in communication and technology, there’s no scientific evidence to support this,” she explains. To test this, Rugheimer suggests using a mood app for five years, recording daily events honestly.

“You’re likely to find no real pattern related to Mercury retrograde,” she says. Elise, however, views this period as an opportunity for growth. “If you’re feeling confused or having miscommunications, take it as a sign to slow down and reflect,” she advises.

“Focus on what truly needs your attention.” She recommends using this time for introspective activities such as long walks, journaling, therapy, and deep conversations. So whether you’re captivated by the cosmic spectacle or just curious about the science, Mercury retrograde offers a unique chance to explore how we interpret celestial events.

“Just remember, nothing has changed in the cosmos; it’s all an optical illusion,” said Rugheimer..

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