
Teams of security personnel sat in cars near homes are 'protecting mosques' following the violent disorder this summer. Concerns were raised by some residents in Blackburn who were unsure what people were doing sitting in cars at all hours of the day and night on street corners. When first approached last month, they revealed they were ‘watching the streets’.

Later, it transpired the security teams had been deployed to watch mosques and outside religious buildings following the riots in early August. The security personnel were sat in unmarked cars sometimes in teams of four in separate vehicles. They were also believed to be taking pictures at intervals.

Later they wore hi-vis jackets. It is believed similar security has been employed outside synagogues and other religious buildings in the past. The teams will be place for a’ number of weeks’ at locations across the country.

They were also spotted at mosques in Preston and Bolton in the past month. When approached, Blackburn with Darwen Council said they were unaware of the security teams and asked us to contact the Home Office. The Home Office would not clarify how many security personnel were at mosques and how long they would be there.

Nor would they reveal the cost of employing the personnel at the locations. Instead, the Home Office pointed us to a government ‘rapid response process’ announcement which means mosques at risk of violent disorder ‘can be offered additional security personnel, providing commun.

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