Thank goodness that at last there’s a Trump back in the White House. Melania Trump , that is. Whatever you think of her husband and his politics, on the night of the inauguration, we got a blast of glamour of the type the world’s been yearning for.
The last few years have been grim: so can Melania make America great again? You may think I am being shallow, but these things matter. The woman to whom Melania is often compared, Jackie Kennedy, set the tone of the administration almost as much as did her husband. With her style and his steel, they gave America back its future.
Jackie championed fashion and interior design and became such a global icon (as they wouldn’t have put it back then) in her own right that when they travelled abroad, JFK was able to joke, with very good grace, that it was Jackie the crowds came to see, not him. It was also Jackie who created the myth of Camelot about his presidency by claiming they liked to listen to it in the evenings: those who knew the Prez say that in reality, the last thing he would have spent his nights doing would be listening to Broadway musicals. However.
post his assassination it was an image that cheered the United States up at a time of terrible national trauma. Look closer to home and you can see why these things matter. About the only sighting we’ve had of Lady Starmer in months was when it emerged that she, like half the Cabinet, had been happy to accept free clothes from a Labour donor.
It’s been left to the charm.