
"It's Greatie Street, come to Anfield, and we're over the moon" It has just passed 11am and Stanley Park market is brimming with keen shoppers, eager to get their bargains. Located in the heart of one of Liverpool's most beautiful and famous parks, Stanley Park market has everything - from fresh meat and produce to clothing, craft and homeware stalls. The market is operating every Wednesday until September 4 as part of a seven-week trial - but the locals are hoping it is here to stay.

“It’s been like this since half past 8 this morning”, Paul Anthony Marrion says, from behind the socks and fashion stall he runs with John Rochford. Paul, 58, has been working in markets since he was 15. He added: “We haven't had a market like this since the Heritage market in the 80s.

This is exactly what the area needs. There's only little corner shops around here and one supermarket. The local council wanted to try a market because the area's got nothing.

We really need it here." "Normally on a Wednesday we have to travel all the way to Hull market, which is the nearest busiest market with as much variety as this” “We're desperate for it to stay open.” Further down the first row of stalls is a clothing stall selling a variety of vibrant dresses.

The owner, Shirley Brett, 50, began her stall in Garston market seven years ago. She said: “I worked at Aldi for three years. Then I thought, you know what, I'm just going to have a go.

I started in Garston and then just kept building it up. I'll see how it goes. I'll put more and more stuff on if I can.

“I'm really pleased with the last two weeks. This is our third week here, and the positivity has been amazing. I've not heard one person moan, all the feedback has been really positive.

"It reminds me of the old Heritage market, it's the same kind of vibe. I used to go there with my mum as a kid, and it was always chocker.” Shirley’s stall, Blonde Girl Boutique, earned its name from the locals at Greatie market.

She said: "At Greatie market they always used to say the blonde girl at the back so the name's just stuck.” “It's been so busy. All the locals absolutely love it.

I've had locals coming up to me, recognising me from Greatie market. They're all lovely, they're all Scousers. "They're made up because there was nothing around this area for them.

They'd usually have to get two buses into town so they all love coming here. They've got the butchers, fruit and veg, washing powder - all sorts of stuff they might need. It's a bit of everything in one place.

" Michael Newton's Pets Parlour stall sits neatly amidst the hustle and bustle. Michael, 75, has been running stalls for over 40 years. He set up his first stall in St Johns, before moving to Greatie market and then setting up at Stanley Park.

When asked what's special about a market, he replies: "The ability for people to rummage and pick - people like the mess. They love to root, whether they're buying or not. That's the key to a market for me.

"A supermarket is uniformed. You go in, get what you want, come out. It's completely faceless.

Here, it's about the conversation. There's a real community aspect here." Stanley Market is the City Council’s first weekday, outdoor retail market for a number of years, and is long overdue, according to Anfield Cllr Billy Marrat.

Cllr Marrat said: "I've been crying out for a market like this for years and years.” “Once all the local shops started shutting down in the local area, due to Asda opening up and everyone starting to do their shopping there, people started saying to me that they'd love somewhere they could go to get fresh meat, fresh bread, fresh fruit and veg. “When St Johns Market hit a bit of a downslide, culture departments in Liverpool City Council said they would set up markets in the community.

I was first in there asking for one in Anfield. It's just fantastic. People have said, 'why didn't you do this ages ago?' "I'm hoping it will all continue.

I've spoken to a load of stall holders, they're all happy. The residents just love it. There's that many bargains and fresh food, cakes, things for kids.

It's absolutely brilliant. It's Greatie Street, come to Anfield, and we're over the moon.”.

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