
Callous criminals have used Facebook Marketplace to target unsuspecting victims. One car seller had a knife pulled on him during a 'test drive' before the vehicle was stolen and taken on a 10-mile joyride. Another conman tricked Rolex owners into handing over the expensive watches, while a masked gang travelled more than 60 miles to steal a bike they'd seen advertised on the site.

Buyers were also fooled by a fraudster flogging dangerous and unroadworthy cars with false documents. A full round-up of cases can be found below. Facebook has urged Marketplace users to "immediately cancel the transaction" if they spot "any signs of suspicious activity" and to contact police "if necessary".

Tips for buying and selling responsibly can be found here, with people also urged to use their "best judgement". READ MORE: Pervert snared by paedophile hunters after trying to meet child for sex Seller car-jacked during test drive Leroy Simpson A man who advertised a car for sale on Facebook Marketplace was forced to flee the vehicle when a 'potential buyer' pulled out a knife. Callous Leroy Simpson, 44, had used a fake name to arrange a viewing in Great Bridgeford and brandished the blade in a secluded cul-de-sac during a test drive.

The car owner, who was in the passenger seat, fled to safety, and Simpson sped away. A police helicopter was dispatched to trace the car during his ten-mile drive across the M5, which ended by him crashing the stolen vehicle and jumping out at Hopwood Services in Birmingham . Simpson, from Birmingham, was arrested by officers who found him in woodland.

He admitted robbery and aggravated vehicle taking following the incident in February this year and was jailed for nine-years at Stafford Crown Court on August 5. He was also disqualified from driving for eight-years-and-five-months and ordered to take an extended re-test. Get breaking news on BirminghamLive WhatsApp 'Death traps' sold by conman car dealer Mohammed Sajad at Birmingham Crown Court (Image: Nick Wilkinson/Birmingham Live) Conman Mohammed Sajad sold 'death trap' vehicles online and then told ripped-off customers 'tough luck'.

He defrauded 11 people by shifting supposedly 'stunning' motors on Auto Trader, eBay, Facebook and Gumtree with forged documents. However many were in dangerous and unroadworthy states, including one with a dodgy fuel tank that could have blown up at any moment. Sajad, of Vibart Road, Yardley , scammed victims out of more than £58,000 through sales and purported to be trading as businesses called Yew Tree Cars, Sam Harrison Cars and Lee Hudson Cars, while operating out of his own home or other residential addresses between 2018 and 2021.

Sajad, who often called himself 'Adam', admitted conspiracy to defraud, conspiracy to launder the proceeds of crime and entering into a money laundering arrangement. He was jailed for two years and 11 months at Birmingham Crown Court on June 28. A judge also imposed a ten-year Criminal Behaviour Order, restricting the defendant's handling of cars in the future.

Fraudster tricked sellers into handing over luxury items Edward McDonagh (Image: North Wales Police) This fraudster contacted people selling items on Facebook Marketplace and tricked them into thinking cash for their iPads, designer clothes and Rolex watches had been paid into their bank accounts. Edward McDonagh conned victims into handing over thousands of pounds worth of goods, leaving them "upset and embarrassed". He travelled around the UK from his former home in Wrexham to meet sellers - and went to 'purchase' a £9,500 Rolex watch in Newcastle on June 6 last year.

He met the owner in Starbucks, placed the watch on his wrist and then made a 'bank transfer'. When the owner became sceptical and asked for his watch back, McDonagh said: "I have paid for it now so it's mine." The victim was allowed to photograph a passport, supposedly belonging to McDonagh, but it wasn't his, and the van he'd been driving was on a false plate.

Last December, McDonagh tried to "buy" another Rolex. This time he tried on the £12,400 watch and "never took it off". He apparently paid for it online, showed the owner fake confirmation and became "annoyed" when they called the bank to double check, suggesting it would take 24-hours for the payment to clear.

He then "continued to pressurise" the victim and "managed to get away". McDonagh admitted 11 counts of fraud by false representation between October 2022 and December last year. WalesOnline reports that in June he was sentenced for the fraud and other offences and jailed for three years.

The scammer who was not 'sorry at all' Jacob Bailey This hard-up conman stole thousands from unsuspecting victims with a 'clever' scam. Jacob Bailey would pretend to be interested in items advertised on Facebook Marketplace - but he left sellers out of pocket using false payment details. Bailey, from Hull, conned five unsuspecting sellers out of a total of almost £3,400 through a complex 'triangular fraud scheme'.

The 'complex' scam involved him offering to sell non-existent items for exactly the same amount of money, with the original seller eventually losing out through other people's supposed payment details being given to them, HullLive reports. The sellers had sent out the items, believing a genuine sale was in process, but were never paid. However the items were delivered to Bailey, who could then sell them.

Bailey admitted five offences of fraud between March 22, 2022, and January 11, 2023, and was jailed for two years. A judge told him: "You don't seem to be sorry at all. You seem to think that it's perfectly all right to defraud people if you don't meet them face to face.

" Masked men appear at family's home Sheldon Meaker (Image: South Wales Police) A gang travelled more than 60-miles to raid a farm and steal off-road bikes they'd spotted for sale on Facebook Marketplace. Sheldon Meaker was one of three who equipped themselves with masks, gloves, and bolt cutters and drove from Bristol to Wales in a stolen van after tracking the location via a computer IP address. The trio were caught red-handed stealing a scrambler motorbike from a shed in the early hours of April 23.

WalesOnline reports that one was caught at the farm, one ended up getting stuck under the farmer's pickup truck after fleeing on one of the stolen machines, and one made his escape on foot over the fields. Meaker, of Arnolds Mead, Corsham, Wiltshire, pleaded guilty to burglary with intent to steal and was sentenced to 16 months in prison during a hearing in June. Meaker was told he'd serve up to half his sentence in custody before being released on licence to serve the remainder in the community.


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