
I’ve been writing this column about classic cars and collectors for almost 20 years. I’ve learned that car collectors are among the nicest people around and some are just interested in one particular model because it was their first car or their dad or grandfather had one. Sometimes finding that right one is difficult, with patience and persistence being necessary virtues.

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Yes, one in the world. He got it, but it took him a while.Many of us are familiar with the cute English MG Drophead Coupes (roadsters) with their four-cylinder engines and stick shifts.

The MG automobiles started in the 1920s as a sideline to the Morris Garage. After Morris Garage, the owners of the company and brand were numerous, including British Motor Corp., British Leyland Motor Corp.

, Rover Group and now by Chinese manufacturer Nanjing Automotive Group.Over the years, thousands of MG cars have been built. They made small cars, big cars, ordinary sedans and held speed records.

During the 1920s and ’30s, the compan.

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