
Following on from the success of the sell-out Grimace Shake last year, McDonald’s UK has gone from purple to green. The Shamrock Shake features a peppermint-flavoured syrup blended with a creamy milkshake base but customers can only get their hands on it for a limited time. The milkshake is green and features a peppermint-flavoured syrup (Image: McDonald's) The green milkshake will be available for two weeks only from today until Tuesday, March 25.

A small Shamrock Shake will be available to buy for £2.19 while a medium will set you back £2.69.

A large Shamrock Shake will be available for £3.09. Participating sales from participating restaurants will donate 20p from Shamrock Shake sales to Ronald McDonald House Charities UK.

McDonald’s is a founding and forever partner of the charity which provides free ‘home away from home’ accommodation to families with children in hospital. (function (d, s, n) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; js = d.

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