Maryam Nawaz, a prominent Pakistani political figure and Chief Minister of Punjab, captivated audiences with her luxurious attire at her nephew Zaid Hussain Nawaz’s wedding ceremonies. Her fashion choices, featuring ensembles from top designers, have become a focal point in fashion circles and on social media. During the Nikah, Maryam Nawaz wore a striking red ensemble by renowned Indian designer Sabyasachi Mukherjee.
This outfit, part of Sabyasachi’s ‘Heritage Bridal’ collection, showcased intricate gold threadwork and delicate embellishments, perfectly complementing her elegant persona. The ensemble was reportedly priced at ₹495,000 Indian Rupees, equivalent to approximately PKR 1.6 million.
For the Barat, she chose a lilac-colored outfit by Pakistani luxury brand Muse Luxe. The ensemble, featuring oversized pearls and intricate details, was priced at around PKR 360,000. She complemented her attire with a green clutch, adding a striking touch to her look.
At the Walima, Maryam Nawaz donned a masterpiece by designer Sania Maskatiya. The exquisite ensemble, adorned with intricate embellishments, was valued at approximately PKR 1.22 million.
She paired the outfit with contrasting jewelry and her signature bold makeup, adding a regal touch to the celebrations. The combined cost of these three outfits amounts to over PKR 3 million, underscoring her preference for high-end, designer attire during significant family events. Her sartorial choices have sparked conversation.