The girls’ trip kicks off at Westgate River Ranch in Florida, and the is already setting in. As the ladies settle in and gather for lunch, casual pleasantries quickly give way to playful shade—par for the course with this group. The conversation takes a sharp left turn when the topic shifts to their first times in the bedroom: Dr.
Jackie doesn’t mince words, calling hers “anti-climactic,” Toya shares that she made a preemptive stop at Planned Parenthood, and Dr. Heavenly reveals that her husband was her “first” (wink wink). Phaedra tries to set a positive tone by encouraging the group to share affirmations at the table, hoping to foster unity within the sister circle.
Toya plays along but takes a detour, flipping the script on Phaedra and asking, “what makes her tick,” as a way to get to know her better. The question, however, lands awkwardly. Understandably, if someone’s trying to adjust to a new friend group, “what makes me tick” and “what pisses you off” probably wouldn’t top the list of things you’d want to be asked.
While Toya’s question didn’t quite hit the mark, her curiosity is understandable. Despite her history on , Phaedra has a reputation for keeping people at arm’s length. Unfortunately, as revealed in the confessionals, some of the other ladies seem to share Toya’s sentiment, suggesting that breaking through Phaedra’s polished exterior might be easier said than done.
The ladies set out to explore the resort, quickly real.