
The council has reported more criminal behaviour at a “toxic” bin depot where employees were subjected to harassment and abuse. Brighton and Hove City Council has shared that further incidents are now being investigated by Sussex Police after an independent report last year revealed a culture of abuse at Cityclean’s Hollingdean depot, Brighton. Recent incidents include managers at Cityclean having their tyres slashed and direct threats of serious harm being made to staff and their families, the council said.

The council has reported incidents to the police, they said. The 17-page report on the council’s waste service by King’s Counsel Aileen McColgan was published in November 2023 after whistleblowers came forward alleging sex discrimination, racial harassment and other abuses. The independent investigation took place over three months and included testimonies from more than 70 witnesses at the depot.

Workers said they regularly saw colleagues being violent, racist, homophobic and misogynistic to other staff members. The council bin depot in Brighton (Image: Andrew Gardner/The Argus) Many accused in the report are either GMB representatives or among roughly ten white men described as having been protected by the union reps. One employee even brought a samurai sword, nunchucks, knives and other violent weapons to work while the investigation was already underway, the report stated.

Ms McColgan was told about employees who painted racist graffiti on bin lorries parked in the depot, called another staff member a “black c***”, made sexual comments to and about women, including stating “who would want to f*** that?” as one woman walked past, and pointed in managers’ faces while shouting and threatening to use physical violence and then carrying out their threats The report also found workers refused to work with one member of staff because he is gay and created fake accounts on dating app Grindr to trick other gay employees. It was also revealed that a vulnerable worker killed themselves after a confrontation with union members at the “toxic” bin depot. Weapons were also found at the site, such as knives, hammers, metal bars and large blocks of wood.

To date, the council has taken out 99 separate disciplinary actions since 2023 and 37 staff members have left the organisation since the report was published. Others are suspended pending the results of on-going HR procedures. Council leader Bella Sankey said: “When the depth of bullying, aggression, racism, misogyny and homophobia at the depot was exposed by the KC report, I promised colleagues and residents we would take a zero tolerance approach to this behaviour and begin the tough job of transforming our service into a high quality and reliable one.

“The thuggery of a few in response to the decisive action being taken will not deter us. In fact it strengthens my resolve to root out this appalling behaviour. “Any potential criminal behaviour, like the shocking incidents we have seen directed at colleagues in recent weeks, will be reported to Sussex Police.

“Our staff deserve a safe working environment free from intimidation and our residents deserve an excellent service and we will do everything necessary to deliver both.”.

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