
Ravindran Nair, an Ulloor resident, went to the Government Medical College Hospital (MCH) in Thiruvananthapuram for a medical checkup on Saturday, July 13, 2024. Little did the 59-year-old know he would be spending a horrific 48 hours stuck at the premises. Ravindran got stuck in the lift at the OP Block of the hospital on the day of his visit.

The man was trapped in the lift until Monday, July 15, when a lift operator arrived for routine maintenance. #— Dhanya Rajendran (@dhanyarajendran) Found in extremely weak condition, Ravindran was rushed to the casualty, where he recovered. Reportedly, the man was stuck in the lift, trying to get to the second floor.

The lift never reached the destination. Adding to the misery, the man’s mobile phone fell and was inoperable, preventing him from calling for help. Pressing the lift alarm did not help either.

Following his absence for over 24 hours, the man’s family lodged a missing person report on July 14 with the Medical College Police. — NDTV (@ndtv) Earlier, the family had assumed that perhaps the man was punching extra time at his work. His son, Hari Shankar slammed the hospital authorities for their gross negligence.

The health department suspended three medical staff and two lift operators. A duty sergeant was also suspended. lift in , , for two days, was rescued after the was operated for routine work Read more: — Hindustan Times (@htTweets) Meanwhile, the incident triggered the worst of claustrophobic nightmares amongst the netizens.

“ ,” quipped one. “ ” commented quite a few users. “ ,” jibed one, while another remarked, “ ” “ ” stories are getting wilder like ” stories, jibed another user.

“ ,” lamented yet another user..

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