KARACHI – Mamya Shajaffar continues to flaunt her bold personality and daring fashion choices, despite online criticism. The Meesni star stunned her Instagram fans with sizzling snaps, showing her in attire that many users labeled inappropriate, with the ‘sultry’ poses also getting unwanted attention. If there was a game called “Need for sleep” – I’d be playin’, the caption said.
The pictures quickly sparked a wave of negative comments from social media users, many of whom criticized her clothing choice and the provocative nature of her poses. A post shared by Mamya Shajaffar (@mamya.jsk) A post shared by Mamya Shajaffar (@mamya.
jsk) Maham Shahid, commonly famous as Mamya Shajaffar, appeared in several dramas,a nd is best known for her role as Sahira in the drama series Meesni . Some of her other projects are Jaan Se Pyara Juni, and Jhok Sarkar. Mamya Shajaffar, and Mehar Bano raise temperature with viral dance video.