
Sunday, September 8, 2024 As the 2024 tourism season enters its final months, Mallorca is expecting continued growth, particularly in October, with an anticipated extension of the season into mid-November. Pedro Fiol, president of the Aviba association of travel agencies, notes that occupancy rates remain high, despite changing tourist behaviors. Fiol explains that tourists visiting Mallorca now fall into two groups: those who can afford to travel during the high season, though they may shorten their stays, and those who prefer to visit during the off-peak months to take advantage of lower prices.

The growing trend of shorter holidays has become more evident this year, following a pattern first observed in 2023. While visitor numbers have increased, tourists are spending less on complementary services such as restaurants, excursions, and shopping. The average duration of a stay in Mallorca has decreased from 9.

4 days in 2009 to 6.5 days in 2023. Rising prices are one factor, but Fiol suggests that a shift in holidaying habits—opting for multiple shorter trips rather than one extended vacation—may also be at play.

October is projected to see high occupancy rates, with demand remaining strong. Travel market analysts from TravelgateX and Mabrian forecast an overall growth of 2% for the late season, with the British and Spanish markets playing a key role. Notably, the British market is expected to outperform the average, while the Spanish market shows signs of recovery after a 13% drop in July.

Despite recent declines in arrivals from the British and Spanish markets during the peak summer months, Fiol remains optimistic. “We are compensating with growth from other markets that have higher purchasing power,” he says, downplaying concerns about the slight drop in British and Spanish tourists. Spanish tourists, in particular, are increasingly favoring travel during less crowded periods.

A study by the National Observatory of Outbound Tourism reveals that more Spanish travelers are opting for holidays during the off-peak months. This shift in behavior reflects a broader trend in the tourism industry, where travelers are seeking quieter, more affordable options. Mallorca’s tourism industry is well-positioned to capitalize on this trend, as it offers a more relaxed experience in the off-season, without compromising on the quality of services and attractions.

The warmer Mediterranean climate during these months also makes Mallorca an appealing destination year-round. Mallorca’s tourism sector continues to evolve in response to changing traveler habits, with shorter stays and off-peak visits becoming more common. The late-season growth forecast, especially from the British and Spanish markets, points to a strong finish for 2024, with the season likely extending into mid-November.

With the ability to attract high-spending tourists and adapt to new trends, Mallorca remains a resilient and popular destination..

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