
ONE of Manchester's main train stations could be forced to close for as long as two years. The city's Oxford Road Station is due to undergo a major renovation project to increase capacity. The project would include longer platforms as well as a new footbridge and lift.

This would result in an extra 120 passengers per train, with each one having two additional cars . And new track signalling improvements would allow two extra trains an hour to call at the station. Network Rail has since put forward the proposal to close the station while these works are in place.

Read more on train stations While they said this was "subject to change," it would mean other stations would be much busier and congested. The website says: "Currently we estimate construction will close the station for just over two years, although this is subject to change. "This will not prevent trains running through the station, so impacts on the wider rail network will be limited.

"While the station is closed, neighbouring stations will be busier than usual." Most read in News Travel Councillor Bev Craig, Leader of Manchester City Council said: “We have said for a long time that Oxford Road Station is in need of a range of improvements from easing the congestion, increasing capacity, improving reliability and ensuring that the station is accessible for all commuters. “Any future development will be a long-term project but infrastructure upgrades like these are essential if we are to continue growing Manchest.

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