After discussing her bond with former actress and wife of Telugu superstar Mahesh Babu, Namrata Shirodkar on multiple occasions during Bigg Boss 18, Shilpa Shirodkar is thrilled to be reunited with her. The actress, who continued her stay in the house until almost the end, had revealed how much she misses her husband, her kids, and also her sister. As the reality show came to an end earlier this week, Shilpa seems to have already reunited with Namrata for the occasion of the latter’s birthday.
Namrata Shirodkar gives her a warm welcome Recently, the former actress shared photos of her reunion with Shilpa Shirodkar and also penned a sweet message welcoming her, “So happy to have you back!!!” and added several heart emojis. Their social media fam was equally excited to have the Shirodkar sisters back together and bonding. Many of them expressed their happiness by dropping heart emojis and sharing comments.
A post shared by Namrata Shirodkar (@namratashirodkar) Shilpa Shirodkar wishes Namrata Shirodkar on her birthday Meanwhile, Shilpa decided to take off to Hyderabad to meet her sister on the occasion of her birthday which falls on January 21. Shilpa penned a special message for Namrata wherein she wrote, “Happiest birthday my chin <3 . I Love you so much and you have absolutely no idea how much i missed you (kiss emoji) you are truly my one and only @namratashirodkar” and concluded it with a hug emoji.
A post shared by Shilpa Shirodkar Ranjit (@shilpashirodkar73) Abo.