Samajwadi Party chief Akhilesh Yadav on Sunday, 26 January, took a holy dip at the Sangam, stressing that a message of harmony, goodwill and tolerance should resonate from the Maha Kumbh. Replying to queries from the media, Yadav said it was not a place for negative politics even as he criticised the BJP government's management of the Maha Kumbh and said it should not be turned into a "sports event". Recently Uttar Pradesh chief minister Yogi Adityanath and his cabinet colleagues were seen splashing water on each other after a holy dip at the Sangam following a Cabinet meet.
The BJP took a swipe at Yadav, suggesting the SP chief would hopefully find peace after the holy bath and desist from hurting religious sentiments of people with his comments. The ruling party asked other SP and Congress leaders to take a cue from him and visit the Maha Kumbh. "On the occasion of Republic Day, I have come to participate in the Maha Kumbh.
.. I got the opportunity to take 11 dips in the Sangam as per the tradition.
This Maha Kumbh is being witnessed after 144 years," Yadav said. "Kumbh should send a positive message..
. that there should be harmony and goodwill and everyone should keep moving forward with tolerance. We take a pledge for people's welfare," he told reporters.
Also Read: UP Congress censures govt for 'half-hearted' Maha Kumbh preparations The unique beauty of Kumbh lies in the confluence of three rivers and its spiritual significance. People are drawn to this sacred event purel.