The Congress and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in Madhya Pradesh on Tuesday (December 24, 2024) launched attacks against each other, accusing the other side of insulting Bhimrao Ambedkar. The Congress’ State unit took out protest marches in several parts of the State against Union Home Minister Amit Shah’s recent remarks on Ambedkar in the Parliament . Carrying placards and posters of Ambedkar and raising slogans, party workers who took part in marches in various cities alleged that the senior BJP leader had “insulted” the architect of the Constitution and demanded his resignation.
In State capital Bhopal, the march was led by M.P. Congress president Jitu Patwari, Rajya Sabha MP and former Chief Minister Digvijaya Singh, Leader of Opposition Umang Singhar, Rajya Sabha MP Ashok Singh, and Congress Working Committee member Kamleshwar Patel among other leaders.
Various other State leaders led the marches in their respective districts. Speaking to reporters during the march, Mr. Patwari alleged that the BJP is anti-Dalit and anti-Constitution.
“RSS chiefs have repeatedly raised questions about the Constitution. BJP people have often broken statues and idols of Baba Saheb Ambedkar’s statues and idols. Baba Saheb Ambedkar’s constitution states that all citizens in this country have equal rights to eat, live and live freely, but the BJP even questions that.
It becomes clear that basically the BJP is anti-Dalit, anti-Ambedkar, anti-Constitution. Therefore, Amit Shah .