
Joseph McCauley, aged 56, from Portlec Place, appeared before Newry Magistrates Court on Tuesday charged with arson with intent to endanger life. Did you know with an ad-lite subscription to NorthernIrelandWorld, you get 70% fewer ads while viewing the news that matters to you. A PSNI officer revealed that on August 11, at 9.

50pm, police received a report from NI Fire and Rescue Service that the defendant had called claiming there was smoke coming into his flat and he ‘was trapped’. The NIFRS said it discovered what is believed was a deliberate ignition at the front door of the flat. Advertisement Advertisement Police viewed CCTV footage from an external wall and, prior to the alarm sounding, no one was spotted entering or exiting the building.

Neighbours were in their gardens and didn’t see or hear anyone climbing the rear fences or in through the side gate. The officer said police suspected someone from within the block of flats had caused the fire. He added the defendant appeared to be “acting unusually” and told an officer that his “prayers had been answered and now he will be moved”.

He said the other three occupants of the complex were not under suspicion. "Police suspected the defendant had started the fire himself and he was arrested for arson,” said the officer, adding that McCauley denied setting the fire himself and claimed he had threats made against him and believes these people or those connected to them set the fire. District Judge Francis Rafferty asked if any of these threats had been reported to the police, the officer said ‘no’.

Advertisement Advertisement McCauley’s barrister, Mr Conor Coulter, asked if the PSNI is aware there is a back door to the property which is not covered by CCTV and the officer said “that could be the case”. District Judge Rafferty asked if the defendant made allegations against the other three sets of residents previously. Mr Coulter said: “He has.

To both the police and the Housing Executive. "He had considerable damage caused to his door and windows within his property in the very recent past. I understand the police have been in contact with the Housing Executive after the comment that the detective constable referred to in order to verify if he had applied for a new property,” said Mr Coulter.

"I understand there has been no application on his behalf.” The detective constable said he is aware the Housing Executive opened an ‘anti-social case’ regarding McCauley due to two German Shepherd dogs he has in his flat. Advertisement Advertisement The court heard McCauley has 166 previous convictions.

It was also revealed firelighters were used in the incident. The barrister, who clarified that the dogs are currently with McCauley’s mother, submitted there is insufficient evidence to connect the defendant and the charge. “The police case is quite absurd in that this defendant, who lives in this property and has done for some time, been the subject of repeated threats and violence by individuals within and around the property that police are aware of.

” District Judge Rafferty granted McCauley his own bail of £500 to an address suitable to police. He is banned from Lurgan as designated by the 30mph and banned from having contact with anyone at Portlec Place. The case was adjourned to Craigavon Magistrates Court to August 30.

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