
Many individuals find it challenging to locate both nutritious and appetising options when trying to lose weight . Too often, the default choice is a simple salad for dinner or reducing carbohydrate intake in an effort to drop a few pounds. With this dilemma in mind, a nutritionist has come forward with his recipe for a scrumptious 100-calorie soup that's ideal for those looking to slim down without sacrificing flavour.

The recipe is particularly well-suited for the autumn months, as there's nothing quite like a bowl of soup to provide comfort when the temperature begins to dip. Matt Boxall, who shares his culinary creations on Instagram under the handle @matttboxall_ , frequently offers up healthy eating inspiration to his impressive following of 602,000 people. His latest soup recipe has certainly struck a chord, amassing upwards of 20,000 likes.

In the accompanying video, Matt showcases the soup, assuring viewers: "If you want to lose weight, this is the soup for you." He proceeds to add a carrot, some sweet potato, tomatoes, half an onion, a few cloves of garlic, along with a seasoning of salt, pepper, and chilli flakes into a baking tray. After roasting these ingredients in the oven for 20 minutes, he transfers them to a blender, incorporating coconut milk and vegetable stock into the mix.

Upon blending everything together, he serves the soup in a bowl, encouraging his followers: "There it is, give this beauty a try." For those eager to replicate the dish, Matt's Instagram reel provides all the necessary quantities and instructions. His caption succinctly sums up the appeal, reading: "Easy 100 Calorie Soup! Great for weight loss and super healthy!" Fans were quick to express their adoration for the recipe, with one commenting it looked "so good", and another adding: "Thanks for such wonderful recipes.

" Another follower praised Matt's culinary efforts, saying: "I think you are doing a great job with your really nutritional meals at low cost low calorie and high in great taste. Thank you so much." Matt's recipe follows a recent share by a doctor who offered her own soup recipe, which she suggests can help 'revive people feeling sick or run down '.


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