
LOVE Island winner Casey O’Gorman has finally shared the real reason he hasn’t asked Gabby Allen to be his girlfriend.Since their big All Stars win last month, there has been growing speculation the couple are on the verge of splitting up.InstagramLove Island winner Casey O’Gorman has finally shared the real reason he hasn’t asked Gabby Allen to be his girlfriend[/caption]Fans have been vocal about their doubts, especially following an interview where Casey refused to make things official with Gabby.

The couple have ben together for two months, but Casey, 28, still hasn’t made the blonde beauty his girlfriend.Because of this, fans are convinced the Love Island couple are heading for splitsville.Following much fan backlash, Casey has finally explained why he’s holding off.

He told TODAY.com, “Like, I will ask Gabby to be my girlfriend at some point.“But do you know what it is? It’s all this like noise of, ‘When are you going to ask? When are you going to ask?’ I feel like I don’t want to now just ask it because people are saying it.

I want to just do it.”Gabby added: “We don’t feel pressure from boyfriend and girlfriend to where we are now. I think it will happen just naturally.

”Fans previously thought they’d spotted a “major red flag”, leaving them to conclude Casey will never make the move.It came after a fan reposted a video of Casey making fun of fellow Love Island All Stars co-star Ronnie Vint for being loved up with his girlfriend Harr.

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