
Sam Klein may have entered Love Is Blind UK to find love, but left the pods with a broken heart and a plethora of online trolls due to his sinister behaviour. Netflix took the world by storm on August 7, 2024, as it released the first part of the hit reality show 's British series, fronted by TV power couple Matt and Emma Willis. A total of 30 singletons signed up for the experiment as they backed out of another dive in the dating pool in favour of the now-famous pods, which have led to multiple successful relationships and marriages in the original series.

But among them, 31-year-old Sam Klein stood out when he became embroiled in the show’s first controversy. One episode, multiple icks London-born Sam was privately educated, attending Aldenham school, a private boarding school in Elstree which sets its fees at £14,297 per term. He then moved on to Leeds Beckett University to study broadcast media technologies.

He was even on his university football team and graduated in 2010. Ahead of his cringe-worthy entrance in the pods, it was revealed that Sam had been pushed to sign up for the show by his mother as his bio read at the time: “For years, Sam’s mom has been on his back about settling down and finding a wife, but he’s entering the experiment for his own reasons.” “He’s excited to lead with his personality in the pods, as women in London tend to focus on Sam’s height (for the record, he’s 6’4) instead of his heart.

But he hasn’t made any real attempts at dating lately, as his ‘extraordinary’ career growth has been on the forefront of his mind, while his love life has fallen by the wayside.” Over on Instagram, where he has garnered a total of 10.4k followers showing off his lavish life, Sam once described himself as a “designer for life and actor”, though the latter label has curiously been dropped from his bio on the social media platform, as pointed out by Grazia UK .

Upon his debut, Sam showed a glimpse of a reassuring self-awareness as he recognised his own insecurities, explaining he’d undergone an intense physical transformation to finally feel comfortable with his body, going under the knife at the age of 29 for a nose job . “I did have a nose job. I’ve always been conscious of certain things.

I never liked what I saw in the mirror, and I have done things to improve my appearance”, he shared as he was introduced for the first time. An avid dating app user, still reeling from his two experiences with heartbreak, Sam jumped on the opportunity to take part in Love Is Blind, pulling out all the stops to make sure he found his match. “Since I found out about this experiment, I came off the dating apps, I trained very hard in the gym.

Great new skin care routine, the whole lot”, he stated, forgetting the whole point of the experiment - to bond with another individual by prioritising an emotional connection above a physical one. Sam attended his first date in the pods with mental health nurse Jasmine, 29, introducing himself as a family man who enjoyed “spending quality time” with his sister and her child, adding: “that’s why I know I just want kids. I’m going to be a great father.

” A care-free, bubbly disposition was a prerequisite for the woman who was due to steal his heart as he underlined he wanted “someone (he) can feel comfortable enough to be silly with and be a big kid and sing in the shower and dance naked. I know, right? Because that’s who I am. I’m Peter Pan.

I’m just a big kid.” But Sam's mask began to slip seconds later. The first of many red flags appeared when Sam confessed to Jasmine he craved “someone to give (him) a chance”, before urging her to “remember” him as “Sam from London.

” And it only got worse when Nicole, 29, showed up for her own date in the pods as he boasted: “if you saw me, then I think you might be impressed”, before assuring her that, if his life was to be turned into a book, it would be “one of the best books that someone could ever read.” While there's nothing wrong with being self-assured, Sam appeared to cross the fine line standing between feeling confident and being conceited. But the conversation took a turn when Sam unknowingly dropped the most telling bombshell he could have given viewers when Nicole branded him “sweet” as he lamented: “the sweet guy never wins.

” Another one of Sam's bad habits. Sam’s seemingly conceited and superficial behaviour irked viewers minutes into the first season, as numerous fans admitted they had “the ick” over on X, otherwise known as Twitter. “Literally got the ick from Sam in the first 2 minutes he was on screen.

Now that I see how he handled his rejection from Jasmine, my red flag intuition was right. Yuck”, one wrote. Another echoed: “Urgh Sam is the WORST - giving me major ICK, sounds so fake”, just as a third chimed in: “Sam is a walking ick and red flag.

Complete narcissist. How did Nicole miss all the obvious signs.” Little did this viewer know they could be spot on.

More than a London 'nice guy' Although Sam's initial behaviour in the programme could simply boil down to nerves, his words highlight an issue feminists have complained about for several years, with the emergence of the "nice guy" stereotype online. Over on social media, the term "nice guy syndrome" refers to a sense of entitlement to sexual or romantic attention from women simply for being "nice", typically displayed by heterosexual men and theorised to be a sign of low self-confidence and self-esteem as experts have gone on to reveal the psychology behind the trope throughout the years. But the fact that one individual's kindness may only be motivated by the possibility of a transactional outcome makes this type of man potentially manipulative, passive-aggressive and even controlling, which are all things you would ideally overcome or, at the very least, become aware of before walking down the aisle.

Sam's lifted the lid on his own dark side when an overwhelmed Nicole struggled to make sense of her feelings for both him and gentle nomad Benaiah. While in the pods, Nicole bonded with the 29-year-old soft-spoken hunk and despite their lifestyle differences, the pair expressed a common interest in travelling and spirituality, making the connection more intense. However, Benaiah's initial reluctance to tie the knot left Nicole confused about which man was best suited for her and with the memory of her past marriage hovering over her like a dark cloud, Nicole wanted to make no mistake as she said "yes" to an enthusiastic Sam, who popped the question after a handful of days.

At this point, Sam had just been jilted by Jasmine whose own connection with Bobby led her to realise Sam's behaviour was too good to be genuine. Rejected, Sam showed his aversion for rejection by branding the dumping "her loss" and affirming that Nicole was the only one for him. To strengthen the "bond", Sam gifted her with one of his bracelets before dropping down to one knee.

While this may seem innocent, what really pushed Jasmine to take a step back from Sam was his love-bombing, which she was lucky to detect before it was too late. The term has been defined by experts as an intense display of affection and attention, used to control or manipulate someone. It is often considered as the first part of the cycle of abuse.

This can involve an excessive amount of flattery and praise, an over-communication of one's feelings, showering a new partner with unneeded or unwanted gifts and intense talks about a future early on in the romance. Experts have noted an idealisation phase, a devaluation phase and a discard phase all make up the process of love-bombing, with the second being underlined as the period of time when red flags begin to appear. Although "anyone can do it", love-bombing is most often an indication of an anxious or insecure attachment style or narcissistic personality disorder (NPD).

This behaviour can also be picked by survivors of abusive relationships. After becoming engaged, Sam and Nicole geared up for their first stay as an engaged couple in the Dominican Republic. But just before they jetted off, Nicole finally came to her senses and dumped Sam , admitting something wasn't right.

Unfortunately, this later led to a brutal showdown between Sam and Benaiah in the second part of Love Is Blind UK, dropped on August 14, 2024. Another handful of Love Is Blind viewers went a step further in their criticism as they dubbed Sam an "incel", short for "involuntary celibate", on social media after he bragged to Benaiah he'd had to reject Nicole when she asked him for more physical affection. And for context: as Nicole confessed she loved him, Sam would only express his own love with a hint of doubt, profusely urging her to "trust" him without ever really delivering.

"Yeah Sam is awful and I feel like the thing that makes me feel uncomfortable is the incel-lite vibes", one of them wrote on X. "Why is Sam bringing up the fact he turned Nicole down for intimacy. Like he's giving such incel behaviour and trying to make her look a certain why as of he's the prize.

Yuck", another echoed. A third agreed: "Sam is giving incel with the “nice guy never wins", while another chipped in: "Guys. I think Sam is an Incel actually.

He really thinks he’s entitled to a woman’s affection because he got a nose job and went to the gym. My word." Much as they did for the "nice guy" trope, social media users found a way to pinpoint an "incel" as a member of an online community, typically a young man, who considers himself unable to attract women sexually.

In typical cases, as seen through the example of mass killer Elliot Rodger who was responsible for the 2014 Isla Vista killings, men who are recognised as "incels" project their insecurity mostly onto women , harbouring hostile views towards them for not giving them the attention they feel entitled to. Horrified to find out he'd been assigned the role of "TV villain", however, Sam recently spoke out on social media. "Someone has to play the villain" Which brings up the following theory, raised by Benaiah, who was the first contestant to remark that something was amiss with Sam.

After the latter's dramatic proposal, Nicole went into another pod to speak to Benaiah, letting him know she'd made her decision. Moments earlier, Benaiah witnessed Sam speaking about his fears that Nicole may be heavier-set than he'd anticipated and paired with his previous behaviour, he began to put two and two together, suggesting later to Nicole that his intentions weren't genuine. Benaiah was torn as he feared his actions would be considered "sabotage" but he still insisted on telling Nicole the truth, a proof of the care he felt for her, and revealed he thought Sam had signed up to Love Is Blind to boost his image in the spotlight rather than to actually meet "the one.

" The second batch of Love Is Blind episodes reveal that Sam managed to bury the hatchet with Nicole after their split, though the same can't be said about him and Benaiah, hinting that he may not be as bad as viewers thought. Many have attributed sinister motives to Sam, likening him to the likes of men who have strengthened an oppressive system for women - but what if Sam, like his Instagram bio once suggest, was just an actor trying to find his 15 minutes of fame with a parody of what could be considered a single woman's worth dating nightmare? While we may never know, Sam took to his Instagram story earlier this week after he was questioned on whether his bond with Nicole had been genuine. Breaking his silence for the first time since Love Is Blind aired, he also slammed producers for portraying him as a villain on the series.

"The show was intense and high-pressure, and the editing hasn't really worked in my favor (sic)", he wrote, "But my connection with Nicole in the pods was genuine and she's an amazing person." And when another one admitted they'd grown to like him despite wanting to do the opposite, he added: "I guess someone has to play the villain." Could Sam set the record straight with the rest of the cast during Love Is Blind's upcoming reunion? Follow Mirror Celebs on TikTok , Snapchat , Instagram , Twitter , Facebook , YouTube and Threads .


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