Yeah, I click on all the Trump ads I see online. I’m happy to drain his funds. Plus, it’s good opposition research.
It leads me to propaganda like the above image in this fundraising landing page, an image that encapsulates the core of the Trump campaign’s message. The right wing is all about the concentration of power . The idea of the strongman leader is the core of right-wing ideology.
Trump isn’t a strong man, but he plays one on TV. That’s all the right-wing MAGA supporters need—the visual of power. This explains the above image.
It’s Trump playing the strong daddy image. Fear not, daddy will protect you. That’s the message of every dictator, every right-wing strong man—“I will protect you.
” With apologies to Godwin , Trump’s message in that image is not unlike Hitler’s message. Of course, this is the American Republican Party, so it has it’s own particular flavor. And this is Trump, so it has it’s own particular stench.
Trump is not a strong man, He’s a very insecure and needy man. Weirdly, that plays into the right-wing strategy, and it’s why Trump is the perfect figurehead for the American right wing and its agenda. “I will always love you for supporting me.
” Yes, you can literally buy Trump’s affection. Alleged affection, of course, but it appeals to people with daddy issues. Trump as Daddy.
I know, talk about a particular stench. But when you think about it, that’s so much of the Trump campaign. Fear not, daddy will protect .