NEW DELHI: Amid the chaos, both houses of the Parliament - Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha - were adjourned till 2:00 PM today. This comes as the opposition carries out protests at the Parliament premises over the remarks made by Union Home Minister Amit Shah in Rajya Sabha regarding Babasaheb Ambedkar. Meanwhile, Congress MP Manickam Tagore on Wednesday morning moved an adjournment motion notice in Lok Sabha to discuss Union Home Minister Amit Shah's remarks on Dr BR Ambedkar in Rajya Sabha.
In his adjournment motion notice, Tagore accused Amit Shah of "insulting" Dr BR Ambedkar's legacy and "hurting the sentiments of people." "I rise today to bring to the attention of this House the deeply offensive and disrespectful remarks made by the Union Home Minister, Shri Amit Shah, in the Rajya Sabha on December 17, 2024, regarding Dr. B.
R. Ambedkar, the architect of our Constitution. These remarks not only insult Dr Ambedkar's legacy but also hurt the sentiments of crores of people who revere him as the founding father of modern India and a symbol of social justice and equality," Tagore stated in the notice.
This came after Amit Shah, in his address in the Rajya Sabha at the conclusion of a two-day discussion in Rajya Sabha on 75 years of the Constitution on Tuesday, lashed out at the Congress party and said that it had become a 'fashion' for the party to take Ambedkar's name. "If they had taken the name of God so many times instead of Ambedkar then they would have got heaven for 7 lives.