
However, not everyone knows the ‘why’ behind a workout. People should know about the science behind workouts, to get the most out of them as per their own capacity and body types. Let us dive into the specifics of both LISS and HIIT exercises to explore the benefits and what each brings to the table, to understand which will best suit your goals and lifestyle.

Every fitness enthusiast knows that workouts are important. However, not everyone knows the ‘why’ behind a workout. People should know about the science behind workouts, to get the most out of them as per their own capacity and body types.

Let us dive into the specifics of both LISS and HIIT exercises to explore the benefits and what each brings to the table, to understand which will best suit your goals and lifestyle. Kushal Pal Singh, Fitness & Performance Expert, at Anytime Fitness breaks down the benefits of LISS and HIIT workout styles so you can choose the best one for your fitness journey. LISS: What is it and why is it important? Low-Intensity Steady State (LISS) exercise is a type of cardiovascular exercise that involves any type of performing any exercise at a low intensity for a longer period.

Some examples include walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, etc. The benefits of LISS exercises are many which include, improving your heart's health and lung capacity to boosting the mood and reducing stress. Plus, it's a great way to burn calories and lose excess weight.

For individuals of various fitness level.

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