
The white facade of Messi’s mansion was splattered with red and black paint by the activists, who documented the act on their social media platforms, declaring: “We painted Messi’s illegal mansion in Ibiza. Without hiding.” Lionel Messi’s Balearic home was purchased for around 11 million euros Futuro Vegetal’s actions were accompanied by a strong message condemning the construction of the mansion, which they claim is illegal.

The villa, purchased for around 11 million euros, stands as a symbol of the disparity and privilege that the group fiercely opposes. The activists compared the luxury of Messi’s home with the harsh realities faced by many on the island, highlighting that between two to four people in the Balearic Islands have died as a direct consequence of the recent heatwave. Most Read on Euro Weekly News “The richest 1 per cent of the population is responsible for the same amount of carbon emissions as the poorest two-thirds,” read one of the statements accompanying the images of the defaced property.

Activists entered the grounds Further images showed the activists infiltrating ’s property under the cover of night, taking photos by the illuminated swimming pool and near a small football field used by Messi’s children and friends. “This is just another example of how the law does not work equally for everyone,” stated Bilbo Bassaterra, spokesperson for Futuro Vegetal. He pointed out the recent eviction of nearly 200 workers from a settlement without any housing solution, contrasting it with the ongoing legalisation of illegal buildings by the Popular Party and Vox, allegedly in exchange for payments.

Bassaterra condemned these policies, asserting that they cater to the wealthy at the expense of the wider population. “These are policies that serve those who have the most and that directly attack the rights of the rest of the population,” he said. Futuro Vegetal This summer marks the second consecutive year Futuro Vegetal has made Ibiza the focal point of its protest actions.

Last year, the group gained attention by spraying black paint on the cherries at the Pacha nightclub and storming the luxury beach club Blue Marlin in Cala Jondal with banners reading: “Your luxury, our climate crisis.” They also targeted a private jet, a Lamborghini, and the mega yacht Kaos, owned by Walmart heiress Nancy Walton Laurie. Futuro Vegetal describes itself as a collective of civil disobedience and direct action fighting against the climate crisis by promoting a plant-based agri-food system.

Citing Oxfam’s 2023 report, they state that the most vulnerable communities are left to bear the brunt of the climate crisis. The controversy surrounding Messi’s mansion is not new. In September 2022, a technical report from the Sant Josep City Council highlighted significant urban planning violations in the construction of Messi’s villa.

The report detailed unauthorised earthworks, terrace construction, land topography changes, and excavations for installations and foundations, deeming the infringement “serious, to say the least.”.

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