
Hit series The Bear makes the job of a chef look difficult and demanding; we asked four restaurant owners if it really is as stressful as the character of Carmy makes out Off the clock with chef Eric Matthews It feels almost necessary to apologise before asking any of the chefs on our pages today if they’ve watched TV series The Bear , and if so what they made of its depiction of working in a professional kitchen. They must, you can assume, have been inundated with such queries since the now-in-season-three show launched back in the summer of 2022. But such is the fascinating quality of The Bear that you want to know the inside truth from those who have actually experienced the real thing.

Is it really that stressful? Are the bullies, when you come across them, really that scary? Is single-minded focus bordering on an obsession that leaves little room for anything else in life really necessary to get to the top of your game? Is what Sydney says in Season 1 true? “It would be weird to work in a restaurant and not completely lose your mind.” Join the Irish Independent WhatsApp channel Stay up to date with all the latest news.

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