
Hello Weekend , 10 August 2024. The latest edition of News24's weekly digital weekend magazine is stuffed full of interviews, reviews, excerpts, and in-depth stories. Enjoy the read.

Life lessons after 50: Lynn Forbes shares her newfound perspective on life By Phumi Ramalepe Ageing is often perceived as a phase to dread, but for many, it's a period of profound wisdom and a deeper appreciation for the simple joys in life. This stage, especially after enduring loss, could transform into a time of deep reflection and gratitude, as it has for Lynn Forbes , mother of slain world-renowned rapper Kiernan Forbes , known by millions as AKA. She has stepped into her 50s with a renewed sense of purpose, strength, and grace.

Chef Wandile Mabaso's vision: Johannesburg is primed for a culinary renaissance even though it has its challenges By Kaunda Selisho In a city often portrayed through a lens of decay and dysfunction, there are those who still see a world of potential waiting to be unlocked in Johannesburg. Chef Wandile Mabaso, one of South Africa's most innovative culinary minds, is one such optimist. Amidst a narrative dominated by stories of Johannesburg's political and governance woes, Mabaso stands as a beacon of hope, envisioning a future where the city is celebrated not for its challenges, but for its triumphs.

WINE 101 | In vino veritas: What's SA's fascination with Northern Italian wines? By Daléne Fourie What's South Africa's fascination with Northern Italian wines? Specifically Barolo and Barbaresco? Answer: Its marked difference from anything produced in South Africa, or anywhere else for that matter. It's also bloody delicious, is what it is. Barbaresco and Barolo are communes in the Langhe appellation of Piedmont in Northern Italy, and the names of two wine styles produced here from the Italian grape Nebbiolo.

REVIEW | Prime Video's The Shakedown is hilarious thrill ride with local flavour By Joel Ontong Prime Video's first South African original film, The Shakedown, is a highly entertaining Cape Town-set crime comedy, with endless twists and turns to keep viewers hooked. Directed by Ari Kruger and co-written by Daniel Zimbler, the film has a winning comedic formula, perhaps sharpened during the filmmaker's other projects like Tali's Diary and Suzelle DIY. Some of SA's top comedy talent is also featured, such as Julia Anastasopoulos and David Isaacs.

The movie is absurd, risqué, and occasionally veers into dark territory but manages to stay light and enjoyable. FIRST CHAPTER | Charl-Pierre Naudé's long-awaited The Equality of Shadows: A tale of love and ghosts By Charl-Pierre Naude When an unusual building appears overnight in a remote northern Cape community in the 1970s and disappears a few weeks later, it seems to point to a series of baffling existential overlaps. Some individuals claim that occasionally they find themselves on the other side of a restive civil war divide, in identity embodiments that are highly contrary versions of themselves, and social situations seem to mock "normal reality" by alternating with it.

Here is the first chapter. REVIEW | Cape Town's Commodore Hotel: A nautical haven of history and modern luxury By Nokuthula Khanyile The dictionary definition of a 'commodore' is a senior captain in the navy in command of a fleet—it is, therefore, no surprise that the Commodore Hotel continues to lead as one of Cape Town's coveted luxury accommodations. Its location provides a perfect gateway to exploring Cape Town's attractions.

The hotel is a stone's throw away from the Victoria and Alfred Waterfront vibrancy and within walking distance of the Cape Town stadium. Women In Wheels | Mackenzie Bam: Teen prodigy making history in SA motorsport By Women In Wheels | Mackenzie Bam: Teen prodigy making history in SA motorsport Picture this—a young girl who has just started school, dressed in off-road gear, on the starting line of a Gauteng Xross County Club (GXCC) championship race in 2017. Her fellow competitors are mostly boys, but she is confident that she has what it takes to be competitive.

Her confidence pays off because not only does she achieve second place in the GXCC championship that year, but she also finishes on the podium of the T-Bone championship. Her name is Mackenzie Bam, and she quickly became familiar with cross-country and enduro racing. ALSO READ: News24 Crowning Glory pageant news hub.

(Graphic by: Sharlene Rood) News24 Sharlene Rood Crowning Glory: Introducing Crowning Glory, your ultimate destination for everything related to pageants in South Africa. From the glittering stages of local competitions to the prestigious international arenas where South Africa's finest compete, Crowning Glory brings you exclusive content, in-depth interviews, and behind-the-scenes stories. PODCAST | Brand New Adults: Lasizwe and Chrizelda talk about what it takes to live within your means: Join Chrizelda Kekana and reality TV star Lasizwe on this episode of Brand New Adults as they go down memory, recounting their most embarrassing moments and celebrating their wins, all in the context of brand new life problems such as the balance between keeping up appearances versus staying true and living within your means, in a world where Instagram is "seemingly" the standard.

PODCAST | RealiTea Recap: On B'Dazzled, Bonang Matheba embraces a future with marriage and motherhood in sight: Listen as News24 Life deputy editor Kaunda Selisho recaps the events of Bonang Matheba's B'Dazzled and Married At First Sight Mzansi, and goes beyond the moments to give some context to the biggest headlines emerging from the show. Hello Weekend cover: Supplied/Access Films We live in a world where facts and fiction get blurred Who we choose to trust can have a profound impact on our lives. Join thousands of devoted South Africans who look to News24 to bring them news they can trust every day.

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. TWENTYFOUR MAG | Sustain HELLO WEEKEND | Nightlife reimagined: Fine dining meets electrifying evenings at Zioux.

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