As the Registered Agent for the Woodland Park Schools Community Coalition, I want to thank voters, businesses, and community leaders who supported the no-vote Ballot Issue 2A. Residents who voted to keep the 1.09% sales tax demonstrated their priority on education for a top 10% Colorado school district that showed academic excellence.
I also want to thank the WPSCC. Their energy, dedication, and passion were off the charts. This small group of volunteers were willing to stand out and wave signs in below-freezing weather and to go door-to-door to inform citizens throughout our mountain town about Ballot issue 2A.
Again, parents, business owners, veterans, senior citizens, and even those who could not vote on the issue came together to put kids first. Our goal was to educate and inform WP voters. We accomplished this goal with 80% of voters knowing about the ballot issue.
However, we did learn that there is still a need to keep educating and informing our town about school activities. I hope that District leadership will implement a robust public information effort. With many Teller County parents having their kids attend city schools they had to stay on the sidelines.
Not allowed to vote. City and County must work together on a solution. Kids and teachers were put first, and again, we thank everyone regardless of how they voted because, in the end, we all were making our voices heard about local education.
I’m so glad we live in a country where this is possible. Michael B Pe.