
HEY JUSTIN, THAT’S OURS! So, Trudeau thinks that Canadians have too much money. Trudeau and his band of Liberal extremists have brought in tax after tax to punish Canadians, carbon tax, capital gains tax, now there’s talk of a principal house tax and no doubt an inheritance tax is next. Well, Trudeau, why don’t you lead by example.

Trudeau has over $10 million, earns $400,000 a year, owns a number of houses, has a golden pension. All of his Liberal MPs, the same. We should take all of this.

Is this not what he wants. Glenn Cunningham Calgary (Oh you don’t think for a moment Trudeau has a clue what his disastrous policies have done to Canadians? He has no sense of what we are dealing with) GROUND THE ‘CLIMATE AMBASSADOR’ Re “Who knew climate fight involves so many trips?” (Kevin Connor, July 9): Catherine Stewart was appointed “climate ambassador” by Stephen Guilbeault in August 2022. Government records reveal that Stewart has billed taxpayers $254,000 for “travel expenses,” in less than two years.

Such includes stays in luxury hotels costing as much as $623 a night. While average Canadians struggle to pay rent and buy groceries, another Liberal appointee, who does nothing of value for Canada, enjoys luxurious getaways on the taxpayers’ dime. This is simply abominable! Harley Whitlock Brantford (This behaviour is in keeping with anyone Trudeau appoints.

Liberals like to live large on the taxpayers’ dime) TIME FOR LIMITS As a statistician, I was taught that correlations do not necessarily reflect causation, however, recent data and trends challenge this theory. Government spending is up, the size of the public sector work force is up, taxes are increasing, inflation is high, homelessness is up, rents are increasing, crime is increasing, and unemployment is increasing. Now the root cause: Immigration continues to increase at unprecedented levels.

So the solution is obvious to everyone except our politicians: Limit immigration for a while until we have the resources to support legal immigration which is the reason our country has been so successful. John Marshall Toronto (Wise words, but the current federal government is doing the opposite. Let’s hope the next Conservative federal government gets us back on track).

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