
Submit your letter to the editor via this form. Read more Letters to the Editor.VTA strike leavesvulnerable stuckAs a disabled woman, the ongoing VTA strike has devastated my life.

I cannot drive, so I depend on the buses for transportation. I cannot afford Uber every day, so I’m basically stuck.I’m not the only one inconvenienced by this bus strike.

How long is this strike going to continue to ruin our lives?Alexis NicholsSan JoseMany commutersneed a short strikeThe VTA strike affects not only VTA drivers but also passengers who regularly rely on the light rail for transportation.Although I am frustrated that I had to find an alternative route to San Jose State this morning, I acknowledge that VTA employees are fully within their rights to go on strike in protest of unfair compensation.In my case, I am fortunate to own a car; I choose to take the VTA to school to save money on gas.

However, many people cannot afford the luxury of owning a vehicle. I hope that VTA will agree with their workers soon, for the sake of both drivers and passengers.QB NguyenSan JoseTrump abandons planto cut seniors’ taxesRemember Donald Trump’s frequently repeated promise to eliminate the income tax on Social Security benefits? A simple executive order could do that.

How about, “Senior citizens no longer need to enter Social Security payments they received on their 1040-SR. Should the courts or the legislature overrule this, I am issuing a presidential pardon in advance that absolves all s.

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