
This letter is to describe this city. I am a longtime resident of this city, since 1964. It isn’t the pleasant and safe city it was.

First of all, developers should have the funds to build their dreams. They should have proof of funds. No money, no buildings.

Second, why don’t we have a master plan and rules that concern building heights, etc? We can still make this a beautiful city but we need rules and this should solve the problems. Keep the Springs beautiful. Patricia Rice Colorado Springs Thanks for the front-page article about Anti-Israel groups that are funded by George Soros with millions of dollars.

The article was most informative and hopefully has been read by all your subscribers. These groups have been invited to the Biden/Harris White House with many visits for sit-down meetings with the White House staff and they have really become an unofficial part of the White House. No wonder this administration, including Harris, is reluctant to fully support Israel.

These groups also financially support the anti-Israel protest groups across our nation. There is a warning to Soros, these groups, the White House and our country. God said to Abram in Genesis 12: 2-3 concerning Israel, “I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; .

.. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse.

..” Vern Swim Colorado Springs If America is worried about its children, TikTok is not the issue application or service that needs to be addressed.

There’s a site called Omegle, which allows users to be connected to random video chat conversations. Now, as you can imagine, this means exposure to a random person’s webcam during live recording. Sometimes it’s fun and informative, other times, there have been incidents of adults masturbating in plain view of the camera and children are being connected to them live to “chat with a stranger.

” The congressmen and senators who are anti-TikTok are just acting out of shame and anger. One senator, Richard Hudson, during one of the hearings asked about “children dancing.” Something that is algorithm based and can be avoided by not engaging with said content.

Now it might come as a shock to the elderly, but the tech environment of a cellphone is not that complex. In fact, the federal government could make it impossible to download “apps” like TikTok onto government phones. Which would mean that these senators and congressmen would not be able to view said videos.

I’m not certain what idiots we need to remove, but someone in the government is failing severely when it comes to securing and monitoring the network environments of our legislators and their “work” phones. TikTok is hardly predatory towards our country. What are the youth being “brainwashed” into doing? Dancing? Before TikTok, we released roughly three break-dancing movies a year for a decade.

Dancing isn’t brainwashing the kids, and neither is someone yammering about their opinions. Nate Utter Colorado Springs Another rabbit hole — Donald Trump’s so-called second assassination attempt to distract from the bad publicity on his claiming pets are being eaten in Ohio by Haitians and his disastrous debate. Hoax! Seems too staged! The Republicans are upset that someone supposedly tried to assassinate Trump, however Americans would offer thoughts and prayers as what they do every time a grade school student is killed.

Trump’s life isn’t worth more than any 5-year old boy or girl. He should protect himself! The realization why Trump is a hero (to his cult) is because he gives the middle finger to our established norms by his lies to promote hatred and claims the system is rigged against them and encourages violence. Because of his lies, immigrants in Ohio are facing threats for their lives, homes and communities.

The lies about the immigrants eating pets is for promoting more hatred, which feeds MAGA thugs for more violence. Supreme Court justices lied at their confirmations, and now handed down a horrendous decision to give Trump endless immunity and end abortion rights. Now, Trump can sell pardons to criminals if the price is right! While there are no checks and balances or ethics for the scum bags justices.

Our present government will end if Trump is reelected! Trump can do anything with a pass from the Supreme Court. Our country can’t survive if MAGA thugs can threaten violence on the colored, immigrants, judges, prosecutors, election workers, jurors, government officials and officers of the law which Trump attacks daily and the Supreme Court allows. Thomas J.

Horton Colorado Springs A recent “Never Trump” letter writer made an attempt to sway voters by claiming that women’s rights would be violated if Donald Trump was voted into office and that there would then be a national ban on abortion (and quite possibly contraception). I wonder if he was asleep when Trump made his pronouncement that individual states have the necessary means to allow or disallow abortions and that there is no federal government duty to do so. Perhaps the letter writer should study the goals and objectives of the conservative side of the aisle and then he might have a modicum of understanding that the Republicans are not in favor of more federal control of our lives.

John Wear Black Forest.

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