
Trump disparaged fallen Marines D uring a visit to France in 2018 on the centennial anniversary of World War I, Donald Trump reportedly told his staff that he did not want to tour the American cemetery at Aisne-Marne near Paris because of the inclement weather that day. Trump said to aides: “Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers.” While repeatedly labeling the Marines who fell in the bloody battle of Belleau Wood “suckers,” Trump again commented: “Who were the good guys in this war?” US Marines, along with British and French troops, stopped the German spring offensive on Paris in the 1918 battle of Belleau Wood.

One-thousand eight and eleven Marines lay buried in Aisne-Marne Cemetery. Belleau Wood is consecrated ground and is venerated in Marine Corps history. The French government renamed the wood in honor of the Marines fierce month-long battle, Bois de la Marine or “Wood of the Marine Brigade.

” But on the centennial anniversary of the end of World War I and the battle of Belleau Wood, a US president would come to France to disparage the memory of the Marines buried at Aisne-Marne Cemetery. Trump’s private comments were first reported by The Atlantic in 2020 and have been confirmed by numerous media outlets. Speaking on the record, Trump’s former chief of staff, John Kelly, also confirmed Trump’s comments.

We can further see a pattern in how Trump views service members of the US Armed Forces when we read his current disparaging comments delivered at a presser at his golf course in New Jersey. Trump fawned over a super PAC donor, Israeli Republican billionaire Miriam Adelson, who contributed $25 million to his 2016 election campaign and $5 million to his inauguration. For her financial contribution Trump awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom to her in 2018.

Trump commented: “That’s the highest award you can get as a civilian. It’s equivalent to the Congressional Medal of Honor, but civilian version. It’s actually much better because everyone who gets the Congressional Medal of Honor, they’re soldiers.

They’re either in very bad shape because they’ve been hit so many times by bullets, or they’re dead.” Trump then turns to the crowd and says: “She gets it, and she’s a healthy, beautiful woman” while GOP donors in the crowd laugh at this flim-flam man’s sick comparison of the awards. The Congressional Medal of Honor has only been awarded to 3,519 recipients out of more than 41 million military service members.

Neil McKinlay Victorville What’s with this ‘lake of fire’? G ee whiz, religious folks around these parts sure do love to talk about their “lake of fire” — you know, that place that everyone who disagrees with them is doomed to for eternity. But where does that even come from? Where do you get this belief in hell and the lake of fire from? The Hebrew Bible, which came first, makes no mention of Hell. It’s simply not in there.

Doesn’t exist. Later, when the New Testament came along, there was a vague mention of hell, but no detailed description of eternal fire and torment for human souls. The Bible simply doesn’t describe this eternal torture that you constantly speak of.

That idea is just scare tactics cobbled together from various other sources, some from the Apocalypse of Peter, which then became preserved in culture through Dante’s Inferno. It’s made up. You don’t even know why you believe this stuff.

Moreover, I thought your god was supposed to be just, kind, wise, compassionate and loving. What kind of moral monster would punish and torment people for eternity simply for asking questions, not being convinced of some mythology in a book, and using the critical thinking skills that he supposedly gave them to begin with? Any being who would do such a thing is a petty, selfish, childish, small, vindictive, narcissistic and evil megalomaniac. Oh wait, I think I just figured it out.

Your god is Donald Trump! Remy Hadley Lancaster.

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