
So much for the city’s recently adopted Strategic Plan on how the city of Colorado Springs is going to move forward. Surprise: all of a sudden our municipal governing body realizes it has too many infrastructure projects planned as a part of their second vote on the Amara annexation. Wouldn’t you have thought a strategic plan would address infrastructure growth and fiscal responsibility eliminating these surprises.

Perhaps it is time to scrap the plan and start with one that addresses acceptable city expansion corridors, building height limits and future density of downtown development to just name a few. As a side note, it would also be nice for the city to address the discontinuance of decorative lawns in new developments so as to conserve water. I recently observed the newly constructed Lexus Dealership near University Village install decorative lawn on its eastern perimeter.

Not a great idea if we need to conserve water. Alan Goins Colorado Springs I recently returned from a bucket list trip to the East Coast: Cooperstown N.Y.

,(Hall of Fame induction ceremony), New York City, Philadelphia and Atlantic City. As it was my first time visiting, I was in awe of the beauty of upstate New York, the one and only Big Apple, Yankee Stadium, Philadelphia, the birthplace of our nation and the Boardwalk in Atlantic City. Among all of this, I was in awe of how nice the roads were.

Compared with Colorado Springs, it was perceptible. This November, voters will decide to extend the sales tax to continue to fund road maintenance and repair across the city. 2C or not 2C, that is a huge question.

Billy Greer Colorado Springs A front-page article noted that it’s highly likely that the governor will call a special session on taxes. The article talked about the challenge of achieving some tax cuts (an issue with some legislators) while minimizing loss of revenue. But I suggest that a much more important issue should be the first item on the agenda: an analysis of state programs to determine which ones should continue to be funded.

Don’t assume that what we’re still funding is still needed! Who knows? A dip in revenue might not be a tragedy. John Conaway Colorado Springs Re: The Gazette’s Viewpoint: “Far-left Walz visits Colorado.” I have recently moved by to Colorado Springs and am disappointed in the lack of objectivity in this opinion.

“Far-left Walz”, an interesting take since during the vetting process for the vice-presidential candidate the vast majority of political analysts (not counting Fox Entertainment ...

.remember after the Dominion lawsuit they stated that they are not a news organization) labeled him a moderate. But let’s dig into the complete lack of objectivity in this opinion.

The first four or five paragraphs seem to establish the fact that your mad as hell and aren’t going to take it anymore. Mostly you seem to be mad that Gov. Walz lives in Minnesota and not Colorado.

Having been to Minnesota, I understand your anger. But your anger centered on the fact that Colorado has more illegals than Minnesota. So, either focus your anger on Texas or move north, but being furious with Tim Walz for living in Minnesota seems childish.

Gotta love the quote “left-leaning Quark founder Tim Gill” and other Democrats. How dare the Democratic nominee for Vice-President campaign with other Democrats ..

. especially those evil “left-leaning” ones. How about getting upset or angry about the indicted ex-president meeting with David Duke or having dinner with white supremacist Nick Fuentes .

.. where was the rage about that? You ask the Colorado politicians and donors to ask serious questions about Walz, but your concerns are laughable.

You say Walz let Minneapolis burn, but at the time he was praised for his leadership by the then-president. I love this one. “sudden influx of destitute adults”.


where have you been since 1980? Illegal immigration has been a serious issue in the USA for over 40 years. A problem no president or administration has been able to solve. Including Donald Trump, who spent tens of billions (Billions with a B) building less than 100 miles of new wall.

“Walz may do”...

so you again have done no homework on Walz’s positions and what he did as governor, but you seem pretty worked up about what he may do. Do some homework and tell us what he has done, other than being a popular governor. With regards to the laundry list of things Walz did regarding illegal immigrants.

How about some objectivity and providing a laundry list of what Trump did ...

. just don’t forget to list separating small children from their parents and keeping them in cages. Well, I am exhausted.

Most of my friends warned me not to get the Gazette, they told me the Opinion page would drive me nuts and they were right. But I want to know what is going on with Air Force football, and unlike the Gazette Editorial Board, the sportswriters for this paper are journalists who do their homework and provide a great product. Chris Erickson Colorado Springs In Thursday’s paper, there is a article stating that Fort Carson’s Gate 1 name will be changed.

Why and how much is this going to cost? Why not use that money to help disabled vets and leave the name alone. Barbara Miller Colorado Springs.

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