
The proper yardstick for measuring any candidate for public office is their track record of community service. What have they done for their community when no one was looking? Have they consistently contributed their time and energy to make their community better? By this standard, laps the field. Buck Mitchell, a seventh-generation Pensacola native and dear friend for a half-century, embodies the spirit and dedication that our community deserves.

As co-owner of the beloved Seville Quarter and The District: Seville Steak & Seafood, Buck has demonstrated his commitment to our local economy and culture. For over 35 years, Buck has been a pillar of our community, tirelessly working with numerous charitable, cultural, and civic organizations. His leadership roles have included serving as president of the Pensacola Navy League, Fiesta Pensacola, and the Great Gulf Coast Arts Festival.

Additionally, he has been deeply involved with The ARC Gateway, Big Brothers Big Sisters, and Capstone Learning Academy’s Miller Classic Tennis Tournament. Buck’s unwavering dedication earned him the prestigious Freedoms Foundation Liberty Bell Award in 2010, highlighting his exceptional service and generosity. He is a candidate who doesn’t just talk about community service; he lives it.

His track record is a testament to his love for Pensacola and his readiness to lead Escambia County. Buck Mitchell is the . This is a plea to Aaron Dimmock, who is currently running to represent Florida’s 1st District in the U.

S. House of Representatives. I am pleading with him through this platform:Please stop running your campaign commercial that shows the devastating events of 9/11.

Your use of the video clip of United Flight 175 when it hits the second tower is distasteful, disrespectful and abominable. The co-pilot of that plane was Michael Horrocks, a former Marine pilot, a VT-2 Whiting Field flight instructor and our great friend.Watching that clip is a knife in the gut.

The clip you authorized shows the murder of the 65 passengers and crew aboard Flight 175. We know what happened to Michael. That clip makes us and his beloved family and his Marine/Navy family and the other families of that flight and the families of the additional 2,977 people killed that day relive the horror.

Use of that clip reflects a lack of character. Your ambition uses this horrific event to create a fake connection with real heroes in order to boost your visibility as a candidate and to highlight your military career.It is untenable.

Please remove it out of respect for those who remember Michael and all the others lost that day and in the wars that followed. Aaron Dimmock is campaigning to represent Florida District One as a congressional representative. He is well qualified; a graduate of the United States Naval Academy, served 20 years in the Navy, and now a character development facilitator and consultant at the University of West Florida.

He is married 28 years, father of four children, and lives in Pensacola. His platform is built on stopping illegal drugs and criminals into America, being a strong leader, as well as bringing our economy under control. His facilitator skills are assets that will serve well as he works with Democrats and Republicans in Congress.

His campaign does not belittle nor spread falsities, rather, states positive actions and promotes cooperation. These traits result from being a character development facilitator trainer and former naval officer. I encourage voters to review his platform at aarondimmock.

org. I am voting for Aaron Dimmock in the primary election. On July 4, 2024, our nation celebrated its 248th birthday, a very significant anniversary, because the average life of any democracy is 250 years.

There are those that believe the best is behind us, that we are near the end of this beautiful experiment, the United States of America. I believe we are at a crossroad; the wrong choice could be the disastrous. If we are to continue as a nation, we must realize that we are in this together and put at least some of our selfish attitudes away.

Just maybe think in terms of ‘we’ instead of ‘me,’ and it is important that we have a free, honest and informative press. The 1st Amendment was our founder’s way of telling us that freedom of speech is our most important right. They realized that a free and informative press was essential to educate the people so we could wisely govern ourselves.

Surely after the events of the past several days you are aware that our media is not being honest with us. We should not be surprised by this bias since our education system promotes leftist indoctrination verses education. The results are that our media doesn’t fulfil their trust to our nation or the public.

They report what their masters tell them to. Our elected representatives, senators and our 2.87 million federal employees should remind themselves that they swore allegiance to the Constitution of the United States, not the Democrat Party, Republican Party nor their own selfish interests.

They work for us, the citizens of the United States. I used to think “Christian values” meant love one another. Instead, Christian nationalist values now embrace discrimination and hate; intolerance for anyone with different ideas of healthcare, sex, political party and race.

The hateful rhetoric is like a reality TV show contest and has escalated to a potential horrible reality for us all: a terrifying way to live. Who can stop the hate? Everyone! Find your moral conscience. Political, business, church, and school leaders can stop the hateful language, fear of “others” and threats.

Everyone can shine a light against hate! Vote for politicians that don’t embrace hate and vile rhetoric against people. Support religious institutions that believe everyone has some goodness and demonstrate love, kindness and respect. Embrace truth and moral character.

Practice respect, empathy and compassion for all, especially the most vulnerable. I highly recommend Rich Holzknecht for Escambia County School Board, District 4. Rich is a Naval Academy grad and a 28-year combat proven leader.

As the widowed single father of four distinguished K-12 District 4 graduates, he has been one of the most engaged parent volunteers in the past 20 years. He comes from a large family of public school teachers so he understands the rewards, challenges, and immense impact good teachers can have in the life of a child. I have attended every school board meeting for the past two years (except one).

Rich is the only District 4 candidate that regularly attends the meetings, and he has spoken numerous times as a defender of our children and their innocence. The other District 4 candidates rarely if ever attend the meetings. Please vote for Rich in the Aug.

20 primary. He will defend our children as he did our nation. I ran my first Bix 7 Road Race in Davenport, Iowa, last year and loved it, even the hard climb up Mount Brady.

The atmosphere was electrifying, giving me the strength to overcome the hills. Moving and taking time off to reset my life was paramount to me. Rebalancing it was necessary to enjoying it.

The Double Bridge Run in Pensacola is like the Bix, both are the premiere runs of the areas. They both represent what is great about living life, and I have met some of the best people from both places. But mostly I have found myself.

Going back to your past life can be tricky as friends and places change. One thing I know is true, is that the people of the Quad-Cities are just as friendly and open as the people of ‘L.A.

’, that’s lower Alabama to you Northerners. So, if you run the Bix this year look out for me, I will be the one high fiving all the spectators with that great big smile on my face even if I am last, I am still a winner in my book..

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