
Health Secretary Wes Streeting is right to condemn the 2019 Tory pledge to build 40 new hospitals by 2030. It is and was a downright lie, all part of the appalling state of their government. Of the 46 New Hospital programme schemes, six reconfigurations are finished in the same location, 20 other sites exist with no construction, what happened to the other 20 is a mystery.

What is incredible is that our money for the entire UK NHS was simply handed over to undesirables who made apparently legitimate but unverified claims. For example, the £37.5bn for Test and Trace, lost by a senior Tory minister and just written off.

£27m given for a fast tracked PPE contract. The person responsible made a fast buck, bought two luxury mansions and disappeared. This Labour government has inherited a chaotic state of public finances, the worst on record since WW2.

Tory self-service has seriously weakened the fabric and foundations of the country. Chancellor Rachel Reeves has initiated a Corruption Commissioner to trace fraudsters, one of many initiatives to recoup fraudulently obtained public money. No matter what officers of the local IOWH NHS think or plan, the outcome of the entire UK Streeting Review will be constraints of the inherited and substantially reduced funding available as a consequence for the national allocation of hospital based services.

The local electorate should remember that this catastrophic state is totally and solely the responsibility of the Tories scandalous mismanagement of the economy, their lies, corruption and out of touch government. Let’s also remember that this disastrous state of affairs is also due to the LibConDems supporting this corrupt government for five years, the coalition of chaos. Without this opportunist power grab, there would have been a general election at least nine years ago.


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