
The Tribune recently reported that Rocky Mountain Power wants Utahns to pay 30% more in the next 18 months. Their reasoning: “The power company, which is part of PacifiCorp and is owned by Warren Buffett’s (billionaire) Berkshire Hathaway Energy, cited rising fuel costs and the cost of new infrastructure for the historically large increase. Both coal and natural gas, which together supply most of Utah’s power, have seen large price increases and more volatile markets in recent years.

Coal, in particular, has become harder to source as mines have closed.” As a rate payer, parent and citizen, I am outraged that RMP and the state of Utah Division of Air Quality plan to keep Hunter and Huntington coal plants open until 2043, without investing in any pollution controls. This means ongoing air pollution across our beautiful state and negative impacts on our national parks, in defiance of multiple federal air quality mandates.

Instead RMP and the Utah DAQ should prioritize decreasing emissions and mitigating the climate crisis. Utah is not applying the good neighbor policy — its poor air quality affects neighboring states as well. I applaud Gov.

Spencer Cox for taking a stand by stating: “The proposed rate increase from Rocky Mountain Power would be laughable if it wasn’t so dangerous. The proposal is completely unacceptable. The audacity and lack of awareness with this request seriously calls into question management at RMP.

I will do everything I can to make sure a rate increase of that magnitude never sees the light of day.” He is the gubernatorial candidate I will vote for because he puts the health, welfare and financial well-being of Utahns ahead of corporations. Perhaps RMP could buy into the Millard Geothermal Power Plant (the largest in the United States) instead of letting all of that clean energy go to California and other states, or simply invest in more wind and solar infrastructure? For many years RMP has asked us to invest in their wind energy program, but to what benefit? Citizens and ratepayers: Do not take this lying down, rubbing your eyes, coughing and using an inhaler to breathe.

Demand that Gov. Cox, the Public Utilities Commission and your legislators require RMP use the best, cleanest and least expensive sources of electricity. Kathryn Kair, Sandy Submit a letter to the editor.

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