As a small landowner who transformed five dilapidated plantation homes from the early 1900s into 36 new affordable rental housing units for the community, I applaud the Honolulu City Council’s work on Bill 3. It provides grant incentives to make privately financed rental projects feasible to build. Bill 3, adopted on Aug.
7, increased the grant amount to $12,000 per unit, far greater than the previous formula-based grant. Even micro-units under 300 square feet will now benefit by increasing the grant’s formula from $11.25 per square foot to $40 per square foot.
I’m grateful that City Council incentivized decently sized living spaces for working individuals and families. Without Bill 3, general excise tax and real property tax incentives, comparing luxury studios to affordable ones is not a fair or logical comparison given the amenity and finish packages provided in luxury buildings. Great job, City Council! Linda Austin Waialae EXPRESS YOURSELF The Honolulu Star-Advertiser welcomes all opinions.
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