
Page two in the Sept 12 edition tells us that nine voted to cancel the winter fuel payment. They respond to questioning with the Westminster standard protocol phrase "we didn't take the decision lightly. But cutting costs is essential".

Page six of the same edition tells us about eight of the same MPs visiting Derbyshire County Council. They expressed their concerns for the well-being of the elderly in Derbyshire, as local cost cutting leads to a threat to care homes and day centres. Advertisement Advertisement Sign up to our daily newsletter Did you know with an ad-lite subscription to Derbyshire Times, you get 70% fewer ads while viewing the news that matters to you.

Are MPs such zombies that they cannot see the link between the elderly, cold-in-their-homes, residents who then become frail, NHS patients, because of their enforced condition? Are MPs blind to the obvious, that cost cutting in one area (energy subsidy) leads to higher costs in a different one (NHS)? All of the newly elected government speakers and their acolytes repeat, parrot-fashion, the mantra that it is all because of past mismanagement of the economy. We didn't hear cat-calling about mismanagement when billions were handed out in furlough payments so that millions didn't lose their jobs. Add to that more billions to keep businesses alive and cost-of-living payments, on top of energy subsidies, all without means testing.

Does that really add up to mismanagement in the minds of the majority? They are not th.

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