
Kyung Hee University awards The Elders the first Miwon Peace Prize Published: 20 Sep. 2024, 18:55 CHO JUNG-WOO cho.jungwoo1@joongang.

co.kr Choue In-won, chancellor of the Kyung Hee University System, speaks during an event celebrating the UN-designated International Day of Peace at the university's Peace Hall in Dongdaemun District, eastern Seoul, on Friday. [PARK SANG-MOON] Choue In-won, chancellor of the Kyung Hee University System, stressed the need for fresh ideas and perspectives to address global problems such as climate change and nuclear weapons on Friday.

“Climate and nuclear issues are surpassing what humanity can handle,” Choue said during his speech at the university’s Peace Hall in Dongdaemun District, eastern Seoul. Choue highlighted the importance of adopting a new perspective to better respond to reality and achieve peace, further stressing the importance of civic consciousness in resolving the global challenges society faces. The speech came as part of the university’s annual Peace BAR Festival, which aims to raise awareness of the UN-designated International Day of Peace, observed on Sept.

21 each year. BAR stands for Kyung Hee University’s three core values: spiritually beautiful, accounting for the “B”; materially affluent, accounting for the “A”; and humanly rewarding, accounting for the “R.” With its emphasis on global citizenship and world peace, the university sees these three values as crucial for living in the 21st century.

The winner of the inaugural Miwon Peace Prize — established to honor the passion and vision of Miwon Choue Young-seek, founder of Kyung Hee University — was also announced at Friday’s event. Choue, a peace activist and philosopher, proposed the International Day of Peace and the International Year of Peace to the United Nations in 1981. The proposal was adopted by the UN General Assembly later the same year, officially establishing the International Day of Peace and the International Year of Peace.

The Miwon Peace Prize was awarded to The Elders, a nonprofit organization founded by Nelson Mandela in 2007. Irina Bokova, former Director-General of Unesco, announces the winner of the Miwon Peace Prize in a pre-recorded video played at Kyung Hee University's Peace Hall in Dongdaemun District, eastern Seoul, on Friday. [PARK SANG-MOON] The organization was chosen for its “active engagement in addressing regional conflicts and global challenges,” their “long careers of dedicated and tireless work” and their “commitment to comprehensive and universal peace” as well as to “elevate their international recognition,” which has been underappreciated by the global community, Irina Bokova, former Director-General of Unesco, said in a pre-recorded video played at the event.

The London-based nonprofit is a group of global leaders, including its chair, Mary Robinson, former president of Ireland, and one of its deputy chairs, former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. “As we congratulate The Elders today, let us remember that the pursuit of peace and the transformation of civilization are not the responsibilities of a single individual or institution but our collective duty,” Bokova said. “The Miwon Peace Prize recognizes The Elders’ extraordinary achievements, but it is also a call for all of us to persist in making efforts to contribute to a better world,” she added.

The winner was selected after a nomination process by a recommendation committee, followed by a final decision by a selection committee consisting of seven members, including Bokova. The award ceremony is scheduled to take place later this year. Choue Byung-tae, director of Kyung Hee International Foundation, right, poses for a photo with Choue In-won, chancellor of the Kyung Hee University System, after receiving an appreciation plaque during an event held as part of the annual Peace BAR Festival at the university's Peace Hall in Dongdaemun District, eastern Seoul, on Friday.

[PARK SANG-MOON] The Elders will receive a cash prize of $200,000, sponsored by the Miwon Peace Prize Supporters Association. The Kyung Hee University System, which governs Kyung Hee University and other educational institutions, has hosted the Peace BAR Festival annually since 1982, inviting scholars from around the world to discuss peace and how to achieve it. This year’s festival, centered on the theme “The Future of Humanity, The Future of Planet Earth: In Search of a Path to Hope,” invites experts, academics and students to explore solutions to global challenges.

Following Friday’s commemorative event, panels composed of experts and students gathered for a colloquium to discuss the future of peace. The Kyung Hee University System has designated the week from Friday to Thursday as World Peace Week, hosting events including peace forums and talk concerts. BY CHO JUNG-WOO [cho.

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